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    now why Kristen is coming back. I’m sure she will miraculously know that Nicole had the goods and shredded them. And she will be back to cause a rift between Eric and Nicole just when they think they are blissful.

    And I am SOOOOO disappointed that the writers let Nicole do that. I was actually yelling at the TV “Please don’t do it”. So she’ would rather let people continue to think that Eric had a fling with Kristen than clear his name and risk he might not stay with her. And I’m sure it won’t help his reputation any that he takes up with Nicole so quickly. Gosh I love the way they have been making Nicole mature lately but now, whoops, huge step backward. Kinda like they always do with Sami. I

    And as an aside, I wish somebody would throw Gabi into an icy river. What a flipping idiot she is. And Sonny was so right on in his description of her. He tried to rape you Gabi, remember that little tidbit? And Sami and Kate had nothing to do with that, it was all him. “but Nick you and I are the only ones who see that you are changed” blah, blah, blah. It’s only you who sees it because everybody else is smarter than you Gabi, and Nick is just jerking your chain.


    to take Gabi out of the show, but either Nick will kill her and go back to jail for it, or she will kill Nick and she will go to jail. Either way, I’m hoping for that scenario; therefore getting rid of both of them. I know Blake is doing a bang-up acting job, but I’m getting tired of his damn blackmailing, snow-jobs on her and everyone else, and knowing he is truly psychotic, I’m ready for them both to leave, and since Kristen will start airing this summer, I don’t need another villain and another loose cannon idiot (I’m talking Brady here).


    Dear writers, you suck and are clueless!  If someone truly loves someone like Nicole loves Eric, there is no way in hell that they would let their name be smeared.  They would move heaven and earth to prevent it.  I’m throwing the BS flag all over the place. 


     In that I am DISGUSTED with what Nicole did. She’s my favorite on the show & now I’m FF through her scenes. I cannot believe that after allllllll this trouble, this is how she handled it. Unbelievable. 


     Maybe down the road we’ll have a scene where Nicole made a copy and put it somewhere else. Still wouldn’t explain the shredding, but it could possibly redeem her. I agree, this is not in Nicole’s character. Sorry, but she nearly lost her life for this formula, she loves Eric with all her heart and she does this? I don’t think so. Dumb writers!


    I’m enjoying watching Nick play psychological games with everyone. It’s a lot better than seeing Anne or Theresa just being vindictive for no reason, or Stefano threatening to kill people, etc.

    I’m also furious with Nicole and I can’t believe she would do that. Not only did she hide the evidence, but she destroyed it?? She could have at least kept in case she changed her mind. I am SO disappointed in her


    stereotypically written as someone who not only manipulates a person or a situation so that it serves her own purpose, but she always shoots herself in the foot doing it, so if this storyline is anything, it’s typical writing for Nicole Walker. No matter how good she tries to be, no matter how hard it is for her to “do the right thing”, it’s just not going to be a happy ending for this woman. Personally, I don’t care, because I don’t want to see Eric with her. I want Eric to remain a priest. He thinks he is conflicted because he now knows for sure that Nicole is in love with him, or at least she claims she is, and he’s using the Church’s excuse of no evidence to prove Eric is not guilty or that he was drugged and unaware of his act, and is now using it as a means to justify leaving the priesthood. Foul play, all the way around for me. But, this last episode of Nicole destroying the evidence will be, I would think, the straw that breaks her back if Eric ever finds out the truth, and we all know about secrets coming out sooner or later, so I’m sorry, but Nicole would deserve it if it does drive Eric right back to the Church, maybe not as a priest, but in some other form or capacity, maybe a teacher at St. Luke’s Catechism class; anything, but still working closely with the Church, and still serving God, but certainly NOT servicing Nicole.


    when she recently lableled Nicole psycho/narcissistic-something and claimed she was incapable of true love. But having said that, Nicole’s entire behavior of late has been 100% on the path of selfless caring for Eric. She went to the nth degree to clear his name, even knowing that he loved her. These actions only spoke to giving him a choice. Now I realize it would be extremely tempting for her to ditch the evidence once Eric claimed he had already made his decision to leave the priesthood and be with Nicole.
    But for her to destroy the goods and just blow it away does not speak to pure love. Both he and his family/friends and the Church will never know the truth and therefore he cannot be fully redeemed.
    Plus it will in the end destroy this relationship. In one sense I’m glad if it ultimately sends Eric back to his vocation. But I am extremely disappointed in the writing. I as a viewer was led to believe Nicole had truly begun to change.


    a free ticket back to Salem with no charges or evidence whatsoever proving what her and Chyka did to Eric. Bah …. after all these months, this storyline has turned sour and I’m personally fed up with it. By the way, if Eric and Nicole ever DO get together, can he start speaking like a regular Salemite and not in that whispering “Father Eric” voice he seems to have, regardless of who he’s conversing with.


     I have to disagree. This is exactly who Nicole has always been. Stealing a baby to hold on to EJ is an example. Lying to Daniel is another. Going farther back, marrying Lucas. Nicole has ALWAYS been a schemer.  It is supposidly because of her upbringing and early experiences.  

    Howeve, I truly felt that she had finally learned and grew. Boy was I wrong, and  needless to say, I am disappointed and annoyed.  Mainly because TPTB has not allowed Nicole to be redeemed nor change.  Everyone here knows that this will end well.

    I believe that Nicole loves Eric, but she is so insecure that she can’t bear to tell the truth. This is way she always ends up with nothing!!

    By the way, did anyone like Nicole’s hair?  I thought it was too extreme and very inflattering.


    that she didn’t really shred it all, that after the scene ended she decided to hold onto it. BUT what I really think will happen is that Kristen/Stefano will have a copy of all that and it will magically show up to ruin Nicole and Eric’s happiness.


     Eric inherited the annoying whisper voice from John and Marlena who both use it so often it makes me want to scream "Speak up Gandpa!"  I also hate how Marlena and Jennifer always use the phrase "Oh my gosh!"  I understand you don’t want them shouting "Holy $&@!!" but kidnapping and murder and betrayal etc. certainly warrant more than a gosh golly gee response.  Stupid.


     We were finally seeing a turnaround for her.

    fwiw, I don’t want her with Eric, but I don’t want her to continuously do this to herself :(


     John Black always whispers.  So annoying.  In fact, I think I posted that same thing ages ago.  Speak up!!  And it’s true, you can put soft porn on the TV but you can only say "Oh my gosh!"?  How ridiculous is that?


    I have always hated that whispering thing he does, yell at the TV as someone else said “clear your voice”. I am not altogether thrilled with his return but I guess we have no choice

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