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    Now I am not a gay man, I am a straight woman. But I assume gay men would find the same things appealing about another man that I do. That said, Javi does nothing for me and having him sitting around shirtless at breakfast was just a little too gross for me. First, he’s not sexy. Second, I don’t even want to sit across from my shirtless husband and breakfast and he would never do that. I’ve never known any many who sits at the table shirtless. I cannot wait for RC to be gone. The fact that he thought this would be appealing to anyone is beyond me. Please put a shirt (not a crop top) on Javi. He might be more appealing if he were dressed.


    Ugh! I completely agree. I’m not happy with the character or the actor frankly. I’ve tried to like the character but he is so annoying. How in the world can Gabi stand him as an assistant (though she can be annoying sometimes, too)? I am still not convinced there isn’t more to his story than we’ve been shown so far. Javi and Kerry both seem shady. And, I am thoroughly turned off by the way he dresses. Please clean him up both inside and out if he is going to stay on the show!


    Yes, please put on a shirt Javi! Is his story going somewhere or is he just in Salem for Leo’s sake? The character I can’t stand is Kerry. He’s creepy looking with his long hair and obnoxious. The way he put down Leo and spoke to Jada when she questioned him was really annoying. He had an answer for everything she said about detaining him. I wonder what his background is or did he learn all this off the internet.


    I agree! I totally cannot stand Kerry. He is creepy. And to be honest, I’m not sure what anyone would see in him. His personality is just ick!


    I saw an article online about the actor who plays Kerry. He was growing his hair to donate to Locks of Love. He has now cut it and he looks totally different. His brother was hit by a drunk driver and he died. Kerry made the hair donation in honor of his brother who was doing the same at the time of his death.

    What a thoughtful guy in real life playing such a creep on Days.


    Thank you for that info! Changes my view of him now.


    Ok,I will say the real person/actor is a good guy. But I stick with the dislike of the character. Not my favorite, but then again, neither are Javi and Leo.

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