A. J. Martinez will play Eduardo, who will be Rafe’s father, but also Eve’s ex-husband. I did not see where it stated that he will be Paige’s dad, so I’m wondering will his last name be Hernandez or Larson? Either way, yes, if it turns out he is Paige’s dad, then Paige will be half-sisters with Rafe and Gabi. I was hoping the one thing we would stay away from with the new writing would be that everyone is somehow related to everyone else. Maybe he won’t be Mr. Larson, just Mr. Hernandez. And, if he is simply Rafe and Gabi’s father, and Eve’s ex, but NOT Paige’s father, then I’m betting Paige’s father is really Frankie Brady, and that I would love, Love, LOVE! Am I confusing anyone yet? LOL!! Well, we will soon see, I guess.