I think they’ve dropped this too. I thought Maggie was having a relapse of her myasthenia gravis(sp). They were going to take care of her. She had a couple of episodes and that was the last we saw of it. Nathan took her to the hospital and I don’t even recall an official diagnosis of a relapse. The writers are too busy being un-original and going with everyone’s cheating on everyone storylines. YUCK!
because I read something about it recently, although this isn’t a spoiler board, so I won’t get into it; but I’m sure it will resurface. I don’t believe it will be a dropped storyline. Unless plans have changed, it could accelerate into an umbrella storyline, or more likely plot, invoving Victor and Vivian. Now that I would love to see.
They really didn’t do much with that either. It was just kind of something they added to the pot but was not even part of a storyline, more like something that defined one of the characters, and one of the very minor characters at that.
They probably threw in Maggie’s MG as a plot device just to get Mel and Phil out of Victor’s because of Vivian moving in there.