Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board Please, not another buried alive story…

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    Been there, done that.  It’s OLD.

    Is Salem that stupid not to remember that Viv has done this before?

    Didn’t Hattie or somebody bury Marlena alive too?

    I really *really* don’t want to see Viv bury Maggie.  It’s old, it’s tired, it’s been done before.  We want something else!

    (And NOT a rerun of a "pit" storyline like Marlena/Stella Lombard!)



    They should fire these writers who are incredibly unoriginal.  The baby DNA switch has been done before, who’s the daddy has been done before (too many times) and buried alive is old too. Talent is definitely lacking in the writing department.


    aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!  (Withering in pain at the thought of another repeat story).   The twist I would like with this one is that Maggie doesn’t end up in the box but that Vivian does!  And no one is looking for her and she learns her lesson!!!


    We pleaded not to have another who’s the daddy story and they threw on at us anyway.  They have no mercy!


     So lets see……we have a burried alive SL, another who’s the daddy SL and another who shot EJ SL all at the same freakin time!!!!!  LOL

    However there are spoilers about the buried alive SL.  


    all been there – done that.


    That there aren’t any more new twists they can add :)

    I can’t see Maggie burying Viv but maybe Victor will :)  I could get into that one!  What’s up with Viv’s manservant – at least Ivan used to try to talk some sense into Madame, and he was comical about it.  The latest guy (I don’t even know his name – Gus maybe?) is so one-dimensional.  I don’t know if he’s written that way or if it’s the acting.. but he’s not even amusing. 

    I thought Viv left to marry Ivan way back when… If they are going to subject us to this nonsense they could at least bring Ivan back : )  I liked him!


    The who’s the daddy thing – we’ve been there, done that with altered computer records, switched eggs/embryos (Viv/Kate with Phil, which resulted in a 13-month pregnancy) – Belle/Phillip/Mimi/Shawn… we had Sami change Belle’s paternity tests back in the day, we had Ciarra almost being whats-his-name’s… plus umpteen more – Sami with the twins, and Sydney (oy twice!)… I’m sure there are plenty more that I can’t think of off the top of my head just now.  OH and Madeline with Chat ;)

    The women in Salem need to 1) Learn to keep their legs together or at least not to sleep with more than one man in the same day, and 2) About the conveniences of modern birth control methods.



    Funny, I had the same thoughts about Gus just yesterday as you.  At least Ivan added some comedy to the situation and TRIED to keep Viv on the straight and narrow.  All Gus does, is…gee what DOES Gus do?  I guess he is just someone to enable Viv to discuss her plans with so we are not subjected to her continually talking to herself.  <sigh>


    give an interview and saying something like James has in past interviews …. "there’s going to be a twist that nobody saw coming…..", that we are supposed to think we’re going to be seeing something new when, in fact, it’s the same old storyline, nothing more, nothing less.  I always wondered …. do soap opera writers read?  They can’t possibly be that limited in the brain power area that they can’t research a best seller’s list or a public library, or books on line, for goodness sake, just to get some ideas for creative storylines, which might, just perhaps, be something we’ve never seen before … (wait a minute, did I say research?????) …………. NAAAAHHHHHH!


    Your post says it all!  At the very least the writers could do would be to keep the old scripts on a computer to cross reference – so they could see that they’ve done that line or that story line before.  

    It’d be one thing if they were going to rehash a SL from say 15 years ago, no, wait, let’s make it longer than that. We don’t want any repeat possession SL! Too soon for that little gem if they did it 20 years from now.  

    If they run out of things to write, let’s go way back for repeats before we have another "who’s the daddy" or "someone got shot" or "someone loves someone who has the hot’s for someone but that someone is in love with the first someone", SL again.


    Even have a twinge of conscience?  How can Gus or anyone, play along?

    Turning a blind eye is one thing, but ENABLING is quite another.  How would you sleep at night if you knew your boss was going to stick someone in a casket and feed her "gruel laced with alcohol"???  It’s one thing to mess with somebody’s head, but quite another to gaslight them.

    I never understood that.  Bad enough that the villain character comes up with this stuff, but to have people help out.

    At least Dr. Baker had a pang of conscience and called 911 before Bo went up in flames.

    Maybe Gus will stick Vivvie Wivvy in the casket :)



    Exactly where does he stay and how does Vivian always manage to have him around?  Is he a servant, a henchman, a boy toy, or exactly what??  No one else ever seems to even notice him; it is almost as if he’s invisible except to her.

    He might actually be OK without Vivian and her evil plans.  Reckon??



    You make it sound like he could be her imaginary friend.   Well, Viv is wacky enough to have one.


    since he delivers items to Vivian, but do you remember ever seeing him interact with anyone else????  Whatever he is, I don’t understand what binds him to Viv.



    It’s true, we never see him when anyone else is around.  Maybe he isn’t real.  Now THAT would be a twist we didn’t expect.

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