Or whatever Stefano is calling her these days. Oh Lord the accent! It’s awful! Is she trying to be British? She sounds like an idiot. Also, why does John insist on only speaking in that whispery voice? So annoying. Does he think he’s Clint Eastwood? Well he’s not. The constant puffing on the cigarrette in the holder and that hideous dress that is so unflattering to her! Oy just end this crap already!
accents are tough to master even for the best. In films they always bring in an accent coach and actors tell how they have to work on it for some time. And in daytime you just don’t get that advantage.
But yeah, it IS one of the worst I’ve heard!
I think they could have left that out. It is a distraction because it does fluctuate so much. I’m still distracted by the highlights in her hair. I’m waiting for her to wake up from this and the hair to be all one color again.
Her accent is horrendous, and it is the main reason why I FF every single scene with these two. I can’t even stand to listen to it! I understand that accents are hard for actors to do, but then DON’T DO ONE! I know the character has always had an accent, so they can’t drop it now, but it’s just awful. I don’t know how anyone on set (or Kristian herself) can think it sounds good!