Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board Quinns spa again

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    Ok. So doesn’t Quinn have any workout equipment or gyms or private rooms in his spa? they have to do all their classes in the main entrance. Totally dumb.

    And looking forward to John and Brady working together.


    all over the spa! Classes right in the lobby? And when exactly was Chad gonna stop walking if he hadn’t dropped his keys? *eyeroll* 


    It’s a spa/martial arts studio.

    Martial arts studios are usually just one big room where they do their "stuff."  But, yeah, they should probably have some private rooms for massages, etc.  I assume they are in the back.


    My nephews take Karate and they do their classes right in the front in full view of the window.  The doors and rooms might be for different spa treatments such as facials, massages, etc…


    either Quinn or the spa setting interesting in the least. I still don’t get why Days brought him back.


    the way the writers just ignored his past illegal actions and allowed him to come back as if nothing happened.  Also, no offense to the actor, but he needs help.


    So that anyone entering the place has to walk through the ongoing class in order to stop and register at the desk as most people have to do when they enter such a place?  It’s very strange to me.  And I agree with others; I have absolutely no use for the character of Quinn and cannot understand why TPTB decided he was such an asset that they had to bring him back.


    ShamWows, or the other stuff hawked on late night t.v. and just FF’d through it.


    ROFLMAO – I totally agree.


    That was so funny, and so right!


    My daughter takes Karate at a fantastic studio and they have a main room where the classes are held, two waiting areas for parents, and a reception desk.  The kids (and adults) are not allowed to practice in the front lobby, in fact, they can only practice in the dojo.  They greet people in the front room and the instructors can talk to parents in the waiting area. 

    The setting for the "spa and martial arts studio" are totally absurd!


    in two different places (plus there’s one in the Publix shopping center near me) and, yes, everything is all together in a "storefront" type establishment.  There’s also a dance studio nearby that is the same thing…all one room.  I think probably the "higher-end" places have a parents’ room and other stuff but the main suburban, kid-oriented, ones are like Quinn’s. 

    Now adding a spa to the dojo is a different story entirely.  I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of that combination before so, who knows?  I’m surprised they haven’t added a coffee shop to it also.  :o)  Have we seen the Java Cafe lately or has that become part of the town square?


    If I’m remembering correctly wasn’t that Jave Cafe that was introduced years ago when Nicole first came to Salem and worked there.  It was more of an outdoor cafe and everyone would stop there and get coffee and hot chocolate and it was in the outdoor shopping mall that Ballistx was in.  Later they turned it into an indoor coffee shop but that may have always been there we just never saw it and later we only saw the inside of it. 

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