Home Forums The Brady Pub R.I.P. Robin Williams

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    I thought it was a hoax. I am in complete shock. News sources are saying that it was suicide and he had been battling severe depression.


     There always seems to be darkness behind our brightest comedy stars. He will be missed. I loved watching him.


    he got expelled for his wild and unruly behavior. Although he was always cutting up and acting the comedian (and so naturally), he was never a phony or one to take advantage of his celebrity. It seems like there was an extremely talented individual in there that just couldn’t be brought under control. So sad.


    as Robin always donated his time to entertaining our military. I had not realized his lifelong battles with drugs and alcohol addiction that fed a serious depression. Such an irreplacable loss and my prayers are with his family.


    which may or may not have been the result of abusing drugs and alcohol. All I can clearly state, IMO, is that the man was brilliant, a genius, and could turn the world of comedy into drama, all in the same scene. I loved Robin Williams, and so sad that the world has lost another tortured soul to mental instability, yet shows us that in some instances laughter outweighs sadness. I read where Steven Spielberg, while making Schindler’s List, was so moved by the film’s story that every night he would call Robin Williams and simply say, “make me laugh.” Rest in peace, Robin, and my sincere condolences to your wife and children.

    Carol J

    So sad.

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