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    What was the point of carrie and Sami fighting today? At first I thought it was going to be some sort of nightmare that carrie was having, but instead it was our nightmare, lol total waste of airtime.


    just walked in Carrie’s room and started her usual RANT.  How did she get in?  Why doesn’t somebody gag and tie her up. 

    Why would Will tell E.J. that he told Sami about their sex romp and he had every chance to tell Rafe and he didn’t.  I can’t wait for Rafe to find out. I wish Rafe could have witnessed Sami’s outlandish behavior.  However Rafe has become a coward and a weakling with Sami.  Can he not see the real Sami and quit coddling her.  She will never be anything but a PAIN IN THE BUTT.  I thought Rafe was a smart man, but I don’t think it now.


    just walked in Carrie’s room and started her usual RANT.  How did she get in?  Why doesn’t somebody gag and tie her up. 

    Why would Will tell E.J. that he told Sami about their sex romp and he had every chance to tell Rafe and he didn’t.  I can’t wait for Rafe to find out. I wish Rafe could have witnessed Sami’s outlandish behavior.  However Rafe has become a coward and a weakling with Sami.  Can he not see the real Sami and quit coddling her.  She will never be anything but a PAIN IN THE BUTT.  I thought Rafe was a smart man, but I don’t think it now.


    and thought it was very well done by both girls.  But certainly unjustified on Sami’s part.

    I loved that Austin stood up for Carrie though.  That was a real punch in the stomach for Sami.  If I had been Carrie I would have told Sami if she didn’t get her nasty butt out of there, she’d call security.  I would NOT have put up with that nonsence.


    but just arguing, not physical.


    Next week Rafe finally finds out that Sami cheated!!!!!! WOOHOO!


    is trying to play everyone to his own end, whatever that may be. Perhaps to destroy EJ and Nicole’s relationship as well as Sami and Rafe’s (kind of like his mother, LOL). If he thinks that hurting everyone else will ease his pain he only needs to look at his mother’s life for clear picture on that.

    As far as Sami goes, I have never been a Carrie lover. Well maybe years ago when Andrea Barber played her as a little girl, but since then…blechhhh. She always carries such a holier than thou air about her when, as Sami pointed out, her background is not pristine either. And I think Sami’s overblown reaction has to do with her own guilt. I believe I read somewhere that Marlena helps Sami bring her guilty reaction into clear focus sometime this week or next.


    I loved the fight! It’s very true to their characters as they have never gotten along. Neither one is perfect, although Sami likes to think she is, lol

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