Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board Sami and EJ are right.

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    Will should absolutely get a paternity test.  Just because he has every faith in Gabi (and even Nick) now doesn’t mean things couldn’t change sometime down the road.  And, like they said, if Nick convinces her to put his name on the birth certificate, Will would be in for some big problems and a lot of hassle trying to get it changed.

    So, this is one time Will should be listening to his mother.  And it would be so simple to explain it to Gabi telling her that, for genetic reasons, he wants to make sure he is named as the biological father.  But, nooooo…that’s too simple.


    "everything would be so much easier if Nick was this baby’s father,"  I thought, OMG, here we go again with the multiple hands-on paternity test switches.  Then I realized, it’s already been established by all concerned that Nick was still in prison when this baby was conceived.  Personally, I don’t think any of Nick’s evil plan is going to work out for him.  He should be grateful to Will that Will is even allowing Nick to be a part of any decisions concerning this child.  He may be controlling Gabi, but I just don’t believe Will will let that happen to him ever again where his and Gabi’s baby is concerned.  At least I hope he won’t.


    though, Nick’s manipulations. It’s refreshing to have a very bright “villain” who can use technology to concoct his dastardly deeds.


    Blake Berris is absolutely owning this role.

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