Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board Sami, Sami, Sami!

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    from your work to pump milk.  It’s like smoking…you do it on your break or not at all.  It’s amazing how many employees think this kind of stuff is "owed" to them and get all huffy when they are denied.

    One time my aforementioned employee wanted to leave at 3:00 to pick up her son at daycare.  I told her she couldn’t go as I needed her desperately to finish a job I needed for a meeting the next a.m.  She got all huffy and said she HAD to go because his dad couldn’t pick him up.  I told her she’d better find someone else then.  She left anyway.  (I had to borrow an admin. from another department to do her job.)  Next morning (and she was LATE!!!), Human Resources was there waiting for her and, well, you can probably guess the rest.

    I once counted the minutes a co-worker took for smoking and he was gone from his desk almost five hours that week!  I can’t tell you how many times we’d hear, "Where’s Neil," and the reply would be, "Taking a smoking break."


    If you’re asking me.  She was required to use her lunch and one of her lunch breaks to pump. If she wanted to take a sandwich with her and eat while she was up there that was fine but she was not allowed to continue doing that on work time.


    across the hall from me pumped milk a couple of times a day.  Our two offices were the only two on that floor and there was one restroom for men and one for women, each having only one stall.  She would put a sign up on the door that she was in there and we would have to go to another floor to use the restroom.  We were told that federal law required that her employer make accommodations for her.   My co-workers and I requested that she set the times of the day, so that we had notice ahead of time when the restroom facilities would not be available.  She was a bit peeved at that; but, was advised that as long as we were making a concession for her, it was only right that she do the same for us. 


    mothers (fathers weren’t mentioned in the article) seem to expect more concessions to be given to them and are more likely to use the excuse of being a parent to get out of work or to ‘dump’ some of their work load on others.  This isn’t all mothers so don’t jump on my comment but it does seem to happen in all professions and it makes it harder for those that take their work seriously  to have to do their job plus part of someone else’s.   


    expecting any concessions and be grateful in her situation with four kids and a hubby out of work, like millions of real life families across the country to even have a job.  And I’d be busting my a$$ to make my boss happy and keep my job.  That goes for "nursing" mothers out there too who have it much more difficult than Sami Jean does…Sami’s not nursing, (although at times she is the biggest baby I’ve ever seen), she has a wealth of people in Salem ready to watch and help her with the kids.  Sami is just inept. 


     no one should think the ‘world’ should have to put up with their doing what they want, when they want. I will add that that is unless they are a billionaire and owner of their own company but I doubt that would happen if they have that lazy type attitude toward work.  Funny how these statements are reminding me of  Ms. Lohan and her attitude!


    requiring a woman to pump her milk in a restroom.  If I had been the boss I would have picked a supply room or conference room or even someone else’s office (my own if necessary) to allow her to use.  As long as you know this is an every day occurance, the person who’s office she uses could make alternate plans during that time.  Or, if it’s another woman’s office, maybe the mother wouldn’t mind her continuing to work while she pumps.  There’s gotta be a better solution than the rest room.


     her lunch to do it because that was the only room without outside windows where she wouldn’t be interrupted.  It wasn’t as bad as some as there were other restrooms available for us to use and since it was the handicapped accessible one and no staff needed it, it worked.

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