Home Forums The Annex Board So Liam’s going to spike Daniel’s protein drink…didn’t they do this story line a couple of years ago with Brady and his

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    (I can’t remember her name) fiancee’s husband?  And speaking of Brady, I’m not sure anymore if his addiction is drugs and booze or falling in love with "the love of his life".  First it waas Chloe, then Nichole, then whats her name, then Kristen and now possibly Theresa.  Can we get some original storylines going?


    I liked him best in the older days.  I would love it if he is somehow rescued from drugs and Teresa.  Save the Brady of yesteryear!  I’m partial to him.  (Blush)


    And don’t forget Kate trying to poison Chloe too. But, seriously, I getting really tired of all these wedges being thrown between Dan and Jen. Please, writers, enough already!


     Recycled stories just with different actors. Jen and Dan acting like Jr. high schoolers, together apart, together apart. Theresa! EJ, Sami, and third party that can ruin it for them forever until they get back together again. Gabi and Nick because Gabi is a freaking idiot! Brady falling in love every time a stiff wind blows by. I truly think he equates an erection with being in love. I could go on, but you get the picture.


    was drugged.  You’d think by now the people of Salem would be very wary of drinking protien drinks.


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