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     it sounds like it was Carly and Kayla will confront her about it.  Talk about everyone sticking their nose in Daniel/Chloe’s business!  

    Ali S. posted on Facebook that they are taping the Christmas stuff now.  Yikes, talk about being way  ahead of things.  I guess they’ll be giving the stars/crew a long vacation for the holidays.


    wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy tooooooooo soon so I will not be purchasing from the establishment who ran the advertisement…I know the economy is bad, but every year the Christmas commericials start earlier and earlier…and people still wait for the last minute bargins anyway! 

    Wonder if Phillip and Mel will be celebrating Christmas together this year, or Dan/Chloe (since she should be able to be holding the actual baby by then instead of her bellybump), wonder if Viv will be out of the coffin (I HOPE so), wonder if Hope will be out of prison – that would be a Christmas present to see Bo/Hope back together again. 


    I thought maybe, for once, they would allow it to be true that the girl at the hospital who was so confused had the made the typo and the Sister had fixed it. So then, Dr. Dan and Chloe would have a beautiful baby to call their own. Not to be in soapland. No, every woman must carry a child that is not her husbands’.

    As for Christmas ads: my daughter who lives in Virginia sent me a photo she took with her cell phone camera showing Halloween stuff hanging on store racks right next to Christmas decorations. So now the two will start to occur simultaneously.



    Christmas lay-away for months now.  They have absolutely ruined Christmas for me because of this.  I just dread it coming now and I used to so love the holiday.  I’ve even stopped putting up all my decorations.  I put a wreath on the door and that’s it.


    It’s K-Mart.

    The Christmas season should NOT start until Thanksgiving. Most people wait until after that to do their shopping, anyway.



    What I read was Kayla suspects it was Carly and with that figures Phillip is the daddy but I haven’t read anything concrete stating that Carly was the one who switched the results so it could still turn out to be an error by that nurse.


    anyway, the store is dirty and the merchandise looks like it’s been dragged behind a donkey cart (and the donkey hind end stuff).  We do have a lovely and nice Wallymart and Targeeeeet as we fondly call them here.


    both our local WalMart and KMart are nice clean, modern stores.  WalMart is very close to me and just too easy to pop over if I need some little thing.  Of course I never come out of there with only that "some little thing."


    front door to the back to get milk is about a mile it seems – you browse the entire store and can get your excerise for the day in mine!


    How does Kayla figure out it was Phillip who was the person Chloe had sex with? Stepahnie doesn’t know, does she? And surely they would not have put his NAME on the DNA genetic sample!


     Stephanie overheard Philip & Chloe talk about sleeping together & the DNA test the night before they got the results.  She later mentioned it to Kayla saying how Philip always screws everything up.  Kayla even hinted to Philip that she knew, that he had Melanie now, but she would smarten up and realize who he was, just like Stephanie did.


    I HATE going to Walmart (we call it WallyWorld) for that reason, it’s too big and I can’t stand the people that stop in the middle of a an aisle to talk to someone else or when you’re going down the main WIDE aisle and someone stops abruptly in front of you with a cart trying to decide which way they want to go.  It should be like driving, pull the cart over to the side if you want to stop.  We go there for prescriptions only because of the $4 generics but if it weren’t for that I would hardly go in there.  

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