I think at one time I even suggested it would be fun to see Hope the detective pair up with Nicole the journalist and do some P.I. work together, sort of like a Cagney & Lacy team. But John and Patch….priceless. With both of them having the training and being former ISA, it looks like it could be some thrilling investigative work coming up for them, if, in fact, they actually go through with this sl. My guess would be that those damn DiMeras would be first thing on their agenda. LOL! Personally, I think Sami will get out of her own predicament without their help, though! Make this happen writers, with "Black Patch"!!! Just the thought of what those two could get into (yep, I’m talking to you, Ava Vitali) will be so enjoyable to watch. These writers are hitting it out of the park and I’m just eating it up with a spoon. LOL!