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October 7, 2010 at 1:29 pm #16815
ParticipantHe was annoying everyone on his tribe and causing people to form alliances with anyone they could just to get away from him. You did it to yourself, Jimmy. Too bad Jimmy Johnson went instead of you last week; this team needs a leader who is capable of pulling the old timers out of their suicide rut they’ve gotten themselves into. Marty is a big mouth, but at least he makes sense. Daniel should go; he’s worthless and has way too many strength injuries, from head to toe. He should have gone, but for some reason he’s still there. If the old timers go back to tribal council next week, he’ll definitely be targeted. So far he’s been worthless. I think they will merge teams soon, and I’m sure that won’t sit pretty with the youngsters; but it’s definitely needed at this point. There’s no strength in the old timers to win these very difficult challenges. They’ll just get picked off one by one each week unless they merge. NOW, NoNanka, you rude, selfish, horrible excuse for a human being, pushing a girl with one leg and telling her to watch her self and don’t put her artificial leg too close to the fire. Of course, you probably would not even have realized that her prosthesis is probably made of titanium and the fire would not burn it, but that being said, what a horrible person you are, and you need to go. This little girl may have one leg, but she has held her own with these challenges, which would be difficult for a person with two legs, and she’s doing a great job of keeping up. NoNanka, on the other hand, is a freakin’ mess and somebody needs to teach her a life lesson. It’s fine to be competitive, but she is nothing but a bully, and to a girl who is giving it more than she ever could, AND SHE ONLY HAS ONE LEG. I hope NoNanka gets voted out, and soon, before they select the jury. She doesn’t deserve to be a part of judging anyone, let alone her competition in this game. People may think she’s entertaining, and it may be a game of dog eat dog, but this girl is, IMO, THE WORST player I have EVER, EVER seen on Survivor. Ugghhh!
October 7, 2010 at 2:49 pm #1681653tdogs
Participantbetter myself. I am so glad someone else see’s Daniel and NOnanka this way too…I thought it was just me. I haven’t watched (except for the very first season ) and am just getting into it this season again, I was beginning to think – man, things have really changed on this show. Think that merger will be next week from the way things looked. It would be great if Daniel, NoNanka and Marty would get on the same team – I would have loved to see JimmyT and NoNanka go at it – they would have killed each other! He would have talked her to death and she would have jive talked him to death! At least the old team has some peace and quiet for one week.
October 13, 2010 at 12:49 pm #16940casey
Participantit sounds like Nanka won’t be having quite the grand time. I would love to see someone really give it to her and I’m hoping one of the older contestants will. The stunts she’s pulled should have gotten her kicked out. I wonder what she’s like as a PE teacher?!
October 13, 2010 at 4:04 pm #1695153tdogs
ParticipantLOL – I thought the same thing about her being a teacher – she holds no motivating skills that I can see.
October 14, 2010 at 11:52 am #16961Bonbon
Participantis singing a different tune now. That rain sure changed her attitude, didn’t it? I thought sure they would vote her out and was shocked when it was Tyrone. As far as I can see, the only thing he did was eat too much chicken. There were obviously other things happening that they didn’t show us.
It seems from past shows that whenever they show a lot of a very annoying person, that person is going to be on for awhile. I’m afraid that’s what’s going to happen with Na. But at least we now know what a crybaby she really is.
October 14, 2010 at 2:24 pm #16966Patti
ParticipantThe girl did a 180; but, if anything, it did show that she is scared of something ….. BUT RAIN??? The only reason Tyrone got the boot, IMO, was they thought he was too bossy. Actually, I thought he had some good ideas about maintaining a semblance about the campsite by designating responsibilities to everyone and keeping things in order, which I’ve always thought makes a day-to-day routine run much smoother. BUT, I guess, like most kids, the younguns’ don’t like being told what to do by grown-ups.
October 14, 2010 at 7:26 pm #1697953tdogs
ParticipantI can not see this ghetto-street wise NaaaaaNa be afraid of a little wet weather, think it was totally staged (at least on her part), the entire scene made me want to throw up my chicken! Tyrone, was more of a leader and they are going to regret getting rid of him.
Why hasn’t Danny been given the ol’ heave-ho? I noticed he was just standing around again during the dunking wheel. And you know the show had a medic/ambulance standing by to be sure off camera for that stunt! Otherwise, it would have been a real easy way to collect two million dollars being as dangerous as that was.
October 17, 2010 at 4:50 pm #17098mommytutu
ParticipantYes, Tyrone made a pig of himself, but Naonka is one of those characters that you just hope doesn’t make it to the end. I still have issues with the fact that she’s a Phys. Ed. teacher. What a horrible example she is to her students. I liked that she was taken down a few notches, but I hope they send her packing soon.
October 20, 2010 at 10:49 pm #17228casey
ParticipantTyrone was one of the stronger players and to knock him off over that unbearable Nay is just weakening the team. I hope she continues to go downhill – payback’s a *itch!
November 4, 2010 at 2:10 pm #17709Patti
Participantjust wanted to comment that I do not disagree with Alina going last night, even though NaNonka should have gone first. She stole the food, the frying pan, and the knife, but Alina didn’t have a problem eating the food, now did she? That was despicable of both players, IMO. However, that being said, Marty is one shrewd character. He plays these kids like a fiddle and I think he’s one of those players who’s so smart, he could sell refrigerators to Eskimos. And finally, YOU GO JANE … you are one tough old-time cookie. She said she gets her strength from lifting 80 pound dogs (she runs a doggie rescue center and kennels) and she just hates Marty’s guts. She sees right through his lying butt. One thing I love about her, she tells it like it is and doesn’t hold back. She’s not sneaky like most of the others, and she’ll stand up to any contestant, man or woman, young or old, in the physical competition. Just love her. You hang in there, girl, and you could win it all …. and Marty knows that all too well. That’s why he wants you out.
November 4, 2010 at 9:43 pm #1772853tdogs
Participantsince first season) due to a dear SP pal that said Wednesday nights at her house are Survivor nights. A lot more of a cut throat game now days. I think if one plays chess one would have a good chance at winning because you have to be five or six moves a head and plan for all contingencies. I kept saying why isn’t Dan gone after the first round, he doesn’t do anything and always flubs up the challenges, but now I can see where they are eliminating their main threats first. I can’t stand Nanoka or what ever her name is – and Marty is on the list too. I think Jane has more than earned her keep with the fishing, gathering wood, etc. – I’d love for Jane to win too. The youngsters are too cocky and sure of themselves.
November 5, 2010 at 12:59 pm #17751Bonbon
ParticipantYou LIKE Jane? While I admire her physical strength and tenacity, I think she’s a sneaky ol’ witch. I don’t know where her intense hatred of Marty came from. He’s never done anything to her (except in her little pea brain), and I don’t think Marty is a bad guy in the least. He’s playing a very strategic game and has not lied or misled anybody. In fact, I wouldn’t care if he won the whole enchilada.
I dispise Nanonka but now realize why they’re not voting her off. As someone said (can’t remember who), if she goes down to the last two, she will easily lose the million dollars because everybody hates her. Good reason to keep her around, although I’d keep a constant eye on her.
And Dan is in a similar boat. He’s not threat to anybody so he’s going to fly under the radar until they have to get rid of him. He’s never a threat in the challenges and also easily swayed to vote for who they tell him to.
This game sometimes really gives me a headache because I just can’t keep up with all the alliances and plotting. I never know who’s telling the truth or lying their butt off. So, I don’t try to figure anything out, I just watch and get surprised by whomever they vote off.
November 5, 2010 at 1:23 pm #17757Patti
Participantever since day one he’s been giving off a vibe that things will run his way, and he doesn’t care who he has to walk over to get there. Sure, he’s smart, he’s a technology executive, for crap sake. But, he’s also sneaky, manipulative, and ever since day one when he said he didn’t want anything to do with Jimmy Johnson in this game, had no idea why he was there, and wanted him on the other tribe, I knew he was determined to be head honcho or die trying. Anyone who he perceives is stronger than him, liked more than him, or strategically smarter than him has to go, BUT now he’s shakin’ in his boots since the tribes merged and he realizes just how unpopular he is. He always puts himself out there as a "know-it-all" and doesn’t even WANT to listen to anyone else’s suggestions. But now that the merge happened, he’s seeing just how it feels to be played, and personally I can’t wait for him to go. Go ahead, give away another immunity idol, jerk! LOL
November 10, 2010 at 2:00 pm #17989casey
ParticipantI think the tribe didn’t go for her dictatorial stradegy speech at the beginning and worried about her getting too big for her britches.
I’d toss Nay’s cheating butt into the fire after the stunts she’s pulled and she could grow increasingly stronger as the game goes on.
There is always a Marty for every season and the tribe makes the mistake of thinking they can always vote these people off down the line and come to find they are there in the final 3!
I love Jane’s plucky fortitude, but she also is arrogant and would be a player I’d want out asap.
People better watch out for under the radar Dan – last Survivor another weak player who did nothing, won nothing and got to the end only because of her alliance ended up laughing all the way to the $million payoff.November 10, 2010 at 11:09 pm #1802053tdogs
Participantdidn’t pick it up…I will have to wait a week now to catch last nights show "On Demand" (on demand isn’t so much on demand as I would like it to be at times…)
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