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    Well i guess we have an answer to that question Rafe does have the key.  it showed him with it at the end of today’s show.


    is still somewhere in Salem as he certainly didn’t have to go through the body scanner or full body pat down with TSA at the airport! 


     my gorgeous, sexy, ever-so-gentle Rafe today.  He looked absolutely beautiful to me.  Now, I’m sure we’re getting very close to the R-2 demise he talked about being on its way, and Galen, for the love of everything holy, please, please, please, don’t ever do that again.  But feel free, when you do recover, to take your aggressions out on Stefano and E.J., not for just what they did to you, but what they did to Sami as well.


    If Sami’s not ready for a padded cell and straight jacket when the truth comes out they’re really doing her character an injustice.  But knowing the writers the fact that she was violated will be sweapt under the rug once again.


    the show…they will keep showing this kind of debasement of women and we will keep taking it…this is 2011 – we’ve come a long way babies – I know head writer Dena Higley has been with the show for a long time, but she is forgetting that the main audience is made up of powerful, strong, self-sufficient women who don’t watch to see a woman character be all week knee’d and get the vapors – we watch because we want to see inspirational and strong women characters…I haven’t been a Sami fan for a very long time (over a year now) because they continue to write her as a namby-pamby clueless twit – I would love for her to get some payback and stand up for herself and kick their butts! 

    As I’m writing this I hear in my head the song…"I am woman, hear me roar"… but seriously, enough is enough writers!  We are over 51% of the population in this country and we have very big purse strings! 


    We are over 51% of the population in this country and we have very big purse strings!

    I do product reviews and when I pitch a company for something tech related, tools or gaming that my husband would like I use the tactic that "women control the pocketbook and make the decisions on what to buy for their kids / husbands / significant others" 



    need to send our vote to the commercial advertisers who sponsor the show – the problem is I DVR it and have been FF’ding through the commericals so I have no idea who’s paying for the show with their advertisement – but that’s where to hit them over the head for sure!



    it’s the 18 to 45 demographic that spends it.  That’s why they pander to that age group.  As we age, we tend to realize the value of saving our money for our old age but the youngens haven’t totally grasped that idea yet.  So, until we loosen our purse strings and start spending willy-nilly like the younger population does, we’ll still have to continue sucking hind tit.  (Sorry if anyone feels that is crass but it is so very apropos.)


     I hear ya’ loud and clear, and am singing right along with ya.’  Dena has never been known to write well for women OR for children.  So, move over then, and let someone else drive.  Isn’t that what head-writers do when they run into brick walls?  


    as Evelyn (Kathy Bates) said in her classically famous line in the movie "Fried Green Tomatoes" – "Face it girls, I’m older and I have more insurance…" 


    For those of you that have never seen the movie – here’s the gist of the scene for that line:

    In the quintessential display of strength, Evelyn rams into a car, six times no less, that steals a parking space for which she had been patiently waiting. When Evelyn tells the two young teenager girls who get out of the car that she had been waiting for the space, they scoff at her saying, "Face it lady. We’re younger and faster." Evelyn, furious, punches the gas pedal to the floorboard and rams their car. When they run out of the grocery store screaming, "What are you doing? Are you crazy?", Evelyn blithely replies, "Face it girls, I’m older and I have more insurance." Driving away victoriously, she has become the great Towanda.



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