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    is at the bottom of the river and will seal Sami’s guilt with the police in this case. As EJ boasted he has the gun but doesn’t wish to pursue criminal charges against Sami so it is just safe with him. In Day’s time he has only known about the taped confession for a few hours so when did he have time to get a diving team in the river to retrieve it. Although our super sleuth ex FBI agent has know about it for days and has done nothing to get to it. I know that to the Day’s characters thinking it would only prove her guilt but what if???? Remember, a slug from a gun is about as individual as our finger prints! And Sami did say that it would take a miracle…………


    and usually does…(case in point Sami’s "current" wedding)…I hope, oh, I hope so much Sami get’s nailed with the ballistics! 


     it doesn’t prove she’s the shooter.


     now you’re thinkin’ like a lawyer.


    I don’t think he has the gun, he just has enough informatin from the tape that he can say he’s got it and where he found it. 


    EJ is so fond of saying the recording Nicole had of him confessing the kidnapping was obtained illegally and is inadmissible (sp?) in court.

    Wouldn’t Sami’s confession on video also be considered to be obtained illegally and inadmissible in court?

    Both confessions were obtained without the confessing party’s knowledge or permission.



    That was the first thing that I thought of. To me the 2 tapes are a wash. If I were Sami I would take my chances in court.


    the term "smoking gun" just refers to evidenceEJ thinks will implicate Sami, in this case the tape, not necessarily the actual gun. It’s kind of an old fashioned term


     wonder why they don’t ask the SP people for their opinions on "medical, legal, educational, etc." story stuff!   This is one smart group of people of course it could ruin all their story plans as they won’t make sense! lol


    resources to have his thugs or hire others to dredge the river for the gun.  I still think he’s holding back with it.  And if he isn’t Stefano will.


    It would have been VERY noticble if someone was dredging the river. That is an enormous projuect, and IRL cannot be done under cover of darkness. Furthermore, the water, currents and sediment would have made any fingerprints absolutely uselesss. The "smoking gun" in this case is the video-taped confession.


    But, you know what, if I were Sami, I would deny, deny and deny again. I would say that Arianna doctored the tape and faked the confession. (Though I don’t know how she could get away with this and still have Rafe support her). Everybody knows how greatful Ari was to EJ for getting her out of jail, and Sami could say that is why Ari must have done such a thing. Or, she can say EJ manufactured the tape and had Ari killed because Ari found out that EJ used her.


     someone to try and find the gun in the river.   I guess he’s found the Salem Money Tree too!  


    prepare to stretch your imagination to the breaking point.  Come on, it would be practically impossible to find that gun at the bottom of the river.  They don’t even know where it was thrown in and I doubt Sami would be able to tell them.  Not only that, the current would have covered it up by now.  Besides, what is the gun going to tell them anyway?  Nothing that could prove Sami fired it.  The smoke from that smoking gun has gone out a long time ago.


    pulled and snapped to the breaking point a long time ago and many, many, many times by Days and the writer’s shenanigans.   How many times Bonbon, have you and I (and the rest of us at SP) looked at each other (figuratively) and said, "What the heck? This (or that) is just unbelievable…"  I don’t think the DeMira’s would let Sami get off on trying to take out the prince – they may or may not have the gun…but even if they don’t, they are like big elephants and never forget.  One day when we least expect it, someone will walk up to Sami and say, "Surprise!!!!  Remember when you shot EJ???" 



    why EJ is so crazy about Sami paying for shooting him when he didn’t pay for shooting John.

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