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October 17, 2012 at 2:46 pm #3690
ParticipantWho watched? I got really tired of hearing both sides do nothing but espouse sound bites and hyperbole and not really say anything of any substance. Memorized figures (whether factual or not!), phrases and facial expressions. Do the people that prepare them for these debates really think the public is so stupid to think we don’t see through all this? And the choreography of the whole thing was laughable. Am I just getting crotchety in my old age?
Will we EVER have a candidate who can stand before the public and tell us EXACTLY what he will do for the country and how he expects to get it done? Or totally shut up about their opponent and why we should not vote for them and instead why HE should be elected?
I was really looking for a good debate last night and all we got is much of what we see on Days…rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. Sad, so sad.
October 17, 2012 at 3:14 pm #35980MK
ParticipantI watched but I agree totally, Bonbon, with everything you said. Same ole, same ole. And most of the questions from the audience were a joke: assault weapons? how Romney is different from Bush? Those asking the questions were supposedly undecideds but I think some (or most) were not. I think most of us already know who we are voting for and even knew before the first debate. And speaking as a woman, I am sick and tired of hearing about women’s reproductive issues from candidates just so they can get the women’s vote. I personally think it’s insulting and condescending to women to think that we only vote thinking about our uterus. I think the economy, rising food prices, taxes, etc. are the most important to me and I vote based on those issues.
What is Monday’s debate format? This town hall style was disastrous. The moderator had no control over the candidates.
October 17, 2012 at 4:19 pm #35981Bonbon
Participantthat this will probably be the end of town hall debates because they just don’t product the results they had hoped for. Okay by me.
I believe that Candy selected the questions so I guess we can blame her.
And I also agree with you, anybody that selects their president based on women’s body issues probably shouldn’t be voting at all. I do not agree with my preferred party’s stand on them but am with them on most everything else. I think it’s kind of like being Catholic (I’m not) and still using birth control. You have to go with what you believe is right.
And, speaking of religious affiliations (and I hope I don’t offend anyone here), there was also an article in the paper today where some party (forgot which one) held a "town hall meeting" in South Florida appealing to Jewish voters. I want to know when is the one for Lutherans? Or Baptists? Or Methodists?
October 17, 2012 at 4:34 pm #35982MK
ParticipantSo they are going back to the first debate’s format using podiums? Or I wonder if they will sit around a table and do it that way.
October 17, 2012 at 4:51 pm #35984bluebonnet
ParticipantThe debate will take place on Monday, October 22, 2012, at 9:00p.m. EST. The topic is foreign policy and the moderator will be Bob Schieffer, host of Face the Nation on CBS. The format for the debate will be identical to the first presidential debate.
October 17, 2012 at 6:31 pm #35986MK
ParticipantThanks for all the info, bluebonnet! I’m so glad they’re going back to the format from the first debate.
October 17, 2012 at 9:49 pm #35991casey
Participantthe only public figures I’ve heard that tell it like it is are Jesse Ventura and Donald Trump. Love em or hate em, at least they have the guts to speak out.
October 17, 2012 at 9:52 pm #35992casey
Participantwho seemed undecided was I think the first guy. Othwerwise, why was everyone applauding when Obama was being defended? That moderator was downright awful – however did she get that gig?! Has anyone noticed every moderator has been from a liberal format? That hardly seems fair.
October 18, 2012 at 9:37 am #35995Bonbon
Participantand they were all praising her on what an excellent job she had done. Elizabeth (the only conservative in the bunch) didn’t say anything, just shook her hand. Yet I saw a guest on one of the political pundit’s show (don’t know who he was but he was from some "independent organization") said she was probably the worst moderator ever. (He was also the one who said that was probably the end of debates in the town hall format.) She interrupted Romney something like 28 times and Obama 17 and even corroborated one of Obama’s statements. And, yeah, I don’t think she hid which way she leans very well.
But most of the media IS liberal anyway. It used to be they remained very impartial and it was anathama to let your political views be known on air or in print but it seems now days to be perfectly acceptable. I used to really like Tom Brokaw before he started exhibiting his liberalism, but now, not so much.
October 18, 2012 at 1:23 pm #35996MK
ParticipantAnd I read that Obama had 3 to 4 extra minutes to talk more than Romney. And she shouldn’t have corroborated what Obama said (and it was false to boot). It was a debate between the two men but it seemed at times that Romney had to debate both Obama and Candy.
October 18, 2012 at 1:26 pm #35997MK
ParticipantCandy should not have defended Obama. Let the two men duke it out. The whole thing was liberally biased from the audience questions to the moderator. Let’s hope the next moderator does a better job.
October 18, 2012 at 1:32 pm #35998MK
ParticipantI would love to see a candidate running for president who just says it like it is, without making up lies and promises to appeal to a specific group of people (like the push to get the women’s vote is making me sick). I like Chris Christie a lot. He is a breath of fresh air.
October 18, 2012 at 3:05 pm #35999justwondering
ParticipantActually, it was not a debate between the 2 candidates. According to the rules, the candidates were not suppose to speak to on another. Nor were they suppose to ask questions to one another or interact with each other. Both of them seemed to ignore these rules.
I was somewhat concerned with Mr. Romney’s interrupting both the moderator and the President.
While I am unclear about both Mrl. Romeny’s tax plan and President Obama’s future plans, I realize that no matter what these plans are, nothing will be accomplished unless Congress cooperates with whomever gets elected. Just as important as who is elected President is who is sent to Congress. Without compromise, nothing will get done.
As an older person, I am concerned with Medicare and Social Security and Healthcare. I am also concerned with the national debt and the economy.
I really wish there was someone who had some answers.
October 18, 2012 at 3:26 pm #36000maxine
ParticipantI am not sure I will watch the debate Monday, I am so tired of all of the rudeness by both not only to each other but to the moderators (in both debates) , I was glad my grandson ( he is 16) did not wish to watch, he watched the first two debate with the President and the one with the VP, His Statement : ‘They are just going to fuss and fight’, the talking over each other, disrespect and downright rudeness almost to the point of trying to Bullying each other, and moderator, a great way to show the next Genarations of children how to act when you go after something you want, lying, rudeness, bullying and disrespectful, These are thing we teach our children not to do, Mr. President and Mr. Rommey….
October 18, 2012 at 9:12 pm #36007DeeLan
ParticipantJewish isn’t just a religion, but also a race and culture. With that said then they should also have a a town hall meeting appealing to Polish or Hindu voters.
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