Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board The Two Shawn Ds

  • This topic has 9 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by dval.
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    In comparing the two actors it seems Jason Cook’s Shawn didn’t as much care about his marriage breakup as Brandon Beemers. To be fair it was the writing as well which did not focus on the split when Shawn and Belle first returned to Salem. Still, Brandon comes off to me as much more sympathetic and hurting than Jason.


     Jason Cook, not so much!  As for the parenting role between Belle and Shawn, Shawn wins for me.  At least he cared enough to return to Salem when he realized his daughter needed him.  Belle, on the other hand, is still acting cold and uncaring.  She claims she loves Claire, but she sure hasn’t shown me that.  Now, here we go with the triangle of Shawn/Belle/Phililp.  I don’t know, maybe they can get back together (Shelle), but I don’t see that happening too soon, now that she’s already gone to bed with Philip.  Did they even sign and file the divorce papers?  There is so much going on off-screen, it’s hard to follow.  


    I like both equally – but I liked Jason’s Shawn when they were kids – and when he was in the cage via Jan Spears LOL… As the character matured I liked BB more for the role.  Sorta like what happened with the two Austin’s.  Plus if this is the Belle we have (Martha) then I prefer BB as Shawn.  They had more screen time together. 

    Side note – this Philip is the youngest of the 3 to play him but it kills me how he looks the oldest (though a nice, toned body for sure.)  


     I think it’s the deep grooves in this Philip’s face that makes him look older.  Remember the gook-looking dimples on the previous Philip.


     loved the strip blackjack game.  Please, the man looked ripped and damn good to me!!!


    I don’t like him at all.

    And what’s with Belle’s extreme sexual drive. She was never like that before.


     If this is the real Belle or has she been mind managed as her father was.


    the change, I don’t like it at all. She seems to have done a complete turn-around from the time she was on the show before, though I know Days has done that to characters in the past–bring them back with a different personality. 


     Belle is coming of as a realy sl*t!. She doesn’t even seem to care one bit about Claire. Another absentee mother!!


     She was never like that before and I don’ t like it one little bit. 

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