but I still wish they’d give her a more interesting story line except chasing after people she hates with an ill fate in mind and winding up losing every time. I LMAO when Gus said he was hiding in Kate’s closet, and Vivian quipped, "try anything on?" She is a hoot but the writing for her is so predictable. Maybe she’ll be involved in solving the R-2 mystery and exposing Stefano and E.J.’s imprisonment of real Rafe, since Gus found the jail cell in the basement. There are lots of ways to go if the writers would choose to write for Louise instead of making her appear a pathetic sore loser. I like her but I need some diversity from her to become more interested. Doesn’t she have a funny little walk? I laugh every time I see her make an exit. Looks like she takes little tiny baby steps.