I actually LMAO yesterday in his scenes with R-2 and Stefano. I mean, let’s face it, I’m no prude, but c’mon, James and Galen, the ‘I’ll poke you, then you poke me back, then I’ll shove you, then you shove me back, then I’ll push you harder,’ …. it was like watching 2 six-year olds. It never ceases to amaze me how this show doesn’t think twice about exploiting the women when it comes to violence, but these big, strapping guys look like a couple of sissies when they go at it. And Stefano, getting between them with his "brrrrrrreak this up" ….. break what up? Galen at least looked the part ….. James just looked like a big mouth kid handing someone an idle threat just because his daddy was standing right there. No, James cannot do ‘tough’ in my opinion, at all. Yet, they can have Sami and Nicole or Kate and Vivian, or any number of women on this show pull each other’s hair out while smashing and falling on break-away furniture, all to make it look real. Somebody really has it out for women on this show.