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    was a coalminer and he just didn’t quite have it.


    they seem to think the ratings are high enough to sustain them more often.  I’m afraid they might be doing the same damage with DWTS.  Yet, I see it happening with most of the reality shows, especially on TLC.  The only one I’d like to see return sooner is Burn Notice. 


    I am just starting to watch the Pittsburgh and I absolutely love the first 2 guys!! that first one shocked me!!!!

    Steven looks a lot better in torquioise than in his purple pimp attire, so far we got some good ones in pittsburgh!. The girl with the planking sister?? weird but the girl sings really well. Ok back to watching!


    They seem to be showing a lot less of the horrible singers this year!! They didn’t show a lot that were from Pittsburgh, lots of Maryland. That wv was good, but he really does need more practice. Moundsville wv is right over the river from me, about 20 miles. I was just completely blown away by the first Asian guy, usually they aren’t good, (hope I’m not sounding racial here). I think he’s my early favorite!


    I’ve been camping there a couple times and just drop dead gorgeous scenery.
    I liked the kid with the Scotty-type voice. But would a similar style win again?


    and had to disagree with some of the people put through.  Hope that ditsy blond who just had to kiss Steven Tyler doesn’t get through.  She seems to have one of those personalities like "Bikini Girl;" remember her?  Also, the one who wants to be another Lady Gaga was a complete turn-off to me.  Don’t think she’ll change her "showgirl" antics too much when she gets to Hollywood, which makes me hope she won’t last too long.  I liked the young man with the country style voice that sounded so much like Scotty McCreery, but I have my doubts about him making it all the way.  I did like the young blond girl who admitted to being bi-polar.  I thought she had a very unique voice — sort of semi-raspy with a little bit country, little bit rock and roll. 


    It seemed the judges were a bit too generous with that group. I’m glad they’ve cut back on the numerous 15 minutes of fame people. That gets old fast.


    The last guy who was born with no ears is a great story but I doubt he’ll last long. His voice was nice but not great.


    let alone sing and/or carry a tune as well as he could.  Still, I don’t see him as good enough to go even to the first round of finals,  What struck me more odd than the contestants last night was how off-kilter the judges were.  I had to agree with J-Lo in most instances.  I thought her judging was spot-on, whereas Randy and Steven were a little more than obvious with some of the girls, looking at their physical attributes rather than the talent.  Steven is very obvious with his fondness for the pretty girls, but the judges sure did have a lot of conflict last night.  Didn’t bode well with Randy or with Steven, IMO.


    I completely agree, they couldn’t agree on much at all, except for that one guy who wanted the revolution. Lol. I really liked the last guy, I think he’ll make it further, he’ll he could sing better than some of those they did put thru. I don’t think we will have as much raw talent this season. I wasn’t crazy about that young black boy they put thru. He was good but not great. Same with that really skinny girl, the guys thought she was amazing, Jenn didn’t like her at all, I agree with Jenn.


    Steven Tyler is a pig.  I don’t give his pending marriage much of a chance.  He just likes the ladies too much.  BTW, I saw a picture of him on the beach and his body is certainly something that shouldn’t be viewed in public.  Ewwww…  As skinny as he is, he’s got great big man-boobs and saggy and wrinkly skin.  If a woman appeared like that, the papparazzi would be all over her.

    On the other hand, JLo has been claimed as The Most Beautiful Woman Alive and I tend to agree with that.  She always looks so gorgeous and wears the most beautiful clothes.

    Okay, end of editorial.  (There’s nothing to write about Days…good OR bad!)


    Completely agree with you about everything bonbon, I don’t get why so many ladies find him so sexy I sure don’t. He’s got more makeup on than ja-lo does. And yes she definitely is gorgeous. Are her and Marc Antony getting a divorce??? I thought it was funny the other nite when the makeup and hair people came in to do touch ups, Steven had 3 or 4 while Jenn only had 2. Lol.


    AND now, thanks to your description of Steven’s body on the beach, Bonbon, I can’t get that picture out of my head, albeit, that’s exactly how I would expect him to look.  I think it is absolutely ridiculous when these old rockers (Steven Tyler is at or very close to 70) simply refuse to age with dignity.


    63. I saw a shot of him after an accident he had not too long ago and he looked pretty grim. It appears much of his hair is added.
    He’s apparently been with his fiancee for seven years and claims he can now be faithful. I’m wishing him the best and hope he is now beyond his wild past.


    I noticed that, too, though I also noticed Randy had NONE, lol.

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