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    OK Now, I thought Taylor was supposed to move into the guest house with her mom so she can keep an eye on her, not move in down the hall from EJ……insert HUGH Eye roll here when she leaned up against the door.  Plueeezeee…….GAWD.  I am so tired of this crap.  i actually cant wait for Tamara to come and see how shes going to portray this pathetic character!  

    I so wish that Dan and Chloe would get back together. You could tell he still loves her. and we know he loves Parker.  Phillips jacket was alittle sung wasnt it? Not that I’m really complaining!  


    the new Taylor in a whole new direction and she won’t be all sweet as honey any more!!  She is going to be trouble.


    they were having Taylor take care of Fay in the guest house – because I do so much FF’ding with the drivel, but if you (eagle eye Nora ) didn’t see it either, then the writers must have just skipped explaining the change to all of us!!!  I hate when they assume we won’t notice things…


    when EJ came in the room without his shirt on! I hate this storyline, too.

    Speaking of snug–how about Nathan’s scrubs??


    wasn’t big enough for both women.  There’s probably only one bed and I’m sure they wouldn’t want to have to sleep together when Taylor could have an entire room to herself.  There was a brief mention of checking in on Faye yesterday and they said she was asleep.

    I just can’t understand how these too can be so cow-eyed everytime they look at each other.  Yes, I can understand a mutual attraction but these two appear to be Romeo-and-Juliet over each other without ever having kissed even once. 

    Bah, feesock (phonetic spelling) as my SIL used to say.  It’s Dutch and you may assume whatever meaning you wish.



    ah ok. i guess that explains that whole conversation about Taylor sleeping on the floor.


    I thought the sleeping on the floor comment had to do with her working in some third world country for a while.  But that whole conversation I thought EJ was being an a$$ so I wasn’t really paying attention.


    (writers) made sure that EJ and Taylor are cohabiting in the same domicile. 


     He may LOVE Nicole, but he’s not IN LOVE with Nicole.  It’s about time he was finally up front about that.  Too many were so sure he still loved her and they would ‘find’ their love grow.  I don’t think that will happen at all now that he’s admitted how he really feels.  She’s a convenience that fortunately fit into his scheme against Rafe, but it would be hilarious once Nicole finds out the truth if she puts the make on faux Rafe, and with that learns the truth from none other than faux Rafe himself?  Boy, would she be holding all the cards then, or what?


     EJ is not in love with Nicole. He is not in love with Taylor, nor Sami. He is all about being in contol and having the upper hand.I am not sure that he relly knows what love is. Even with the children, he is not above using them to get his way and have the upper hand.  There is nothing positive in him IMHO


     Iti is hard to believe that the Dimera’s would have a guest hose with just one bedroom!!!


    will be lacing her food with just a little something. 



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