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    I wonder if Victor knew they were Maggie’s eggs.  Surely they knew each other, Didnt Victor live in Salem way back then. I just hope he didnt know they were her eggs.

    Man is it just me or does EJ have pointy ears??  LOL  They drive me nuts! LOL.  he looks like an elf.  

    I do love Maggie and Melanie together!  they look alot alike too.  they are so cute together.


    I read that Victor is the one that gave Daniel’s parents Maggie’s eggs but whether he knew who they belonged to I have no idea.

    I agree about E.J’s pointy ears.  Every time I see him I try to figure out a way it could be the haircut that’s making them look that way but nope, even when he shaved his head they were still pointy.


    SOMETHING wrong with him.  He can’t be perfect.  :o)  Elvis the Elf…LOL!

    Quite frankly, I never noticed it.  Now I’ll have to look and see.


    I kept thinking, ‘OMG…he has Spock ears.’  Sorry, but I don’t see the walking, talking perfect man that many seem to see in JS.  He has many imperfections that annoy me, but I do like the actor and the role they created for him.  I just cannot help feeling that he, too, will have some secrets coming our way in the near future.  For instance, they’ve been mentioning his mother, Susan Banks, quite a bit of late.  Will she have any bearing on E.J.’s future, or has Stefano pulled another fast one on us all?  Guess a lot of my questions will be answered when I find out who the DiMera baby is in the picture that Alice has, that will soon be discovered by Bo and Hope, and will turn out to be the same picture of a baby that will be discovered in the DiMera mansion.  Hmmmm, talk about curiouser and curiouser, eh? ……  By the way, this is not a spoiler …… I’m just speculating!


    I’d read that it’s the same photo that’s sitting in the DiMera mansion next to a photo of EJ and Johnny.   Maybe Johnny really is Lucas’s and Alice knew.  But I can’t imagine her keeping silent about that.

    EJ made a comment a while back about aiming for the White House.  I first thought he wasn’t a natural citizen so he couldn’t but then remembered Susan Banks was a U.S. citizen and he was born in Salem so, unless he denounced his U.S. citizenship he can be president.


    him mentioning once before that he had dual citizenship.


     and his father wasn’t the British guy that Susan married.  


    Agree about he Spock ears. I so noticed that on Tues. show. I am hoping that Victor new about Lillian having in vitro and that maybe he was connected in some way to the clinic that she used, but not directly involved in the fact that Maggie’s eggs were taken. Does that make sense? Kind of like he feels guilty because he invested in the research/clinic, or advised Lillian to use the clinic, or even maybe they used his sperm and Daniel is his child and he’s always known it, but agreed to keep it a secret all these years. I just don’t want him to be involved in criminal way because that would split Maggie and Victor and I don’t want that to happen. I also think it would be a greater story in the end if all is revealed and they find out that Daniel is Vic’s and Maggie’s son. Of course that could be weird given that Melanie was married to Phillip and he would now be her uncle. Come to think of it, she was with Nathan and he’s now her cousin. Bizarre! Salem is very incestuous!


    hearing him say it sometime around when the show decided to let us know that he earned his law degree from Oxford, but came back to the U.S. to practice.  When his mother (Susan) took him from Stefano and ran off to England with Edward Crumb, they were afraid for his safety, so they had his birth certificate changed to show that he was born in England, which gave him citizenship there.  After Mickey Horton offered him a job in his law practice, it was explained that he was a graduate from Oxford, but had dual citizenship in both England and the U.S., allowing him to practice law in America as well as England.  At least that’s how I remember it.  His first client was Nicole.


    What a hoot she was…that would cause Stefano embarassment and I wonder if EJ (being as "sophisticated" as he is), would be at odds with his feelings for his mother and hold true to his prim and proper decorum.  Not to mention if they threw the twist in there about Kristen, (I actually could go for an updating of that story line…those were the "days").  Talk about bringing back the entire gang of old Salem! 

    A refresher for those of you with memories like mine:



     Davidson is on Y&R and her character Ashley is married to a "Tucker McCall" on the show who is played by the former actor that played Patch (Steve Johnson).


    let go, killed off, kidnapped, move to Switzerland, locked in a cave, etc. – you know the usual things that happen, even just for a a little while, or does this stuff just happen in Salem???  LOL!


     dealing with various family issues.  Plus, she went back to Y&R where she worked before Days.  They do have a few that don’t stay dead: Victor, Sheila, Sharon, so it could happen but my guess is no unless Days does a deal with Y&R like they did with B&B when B&B wanted Lauren Kozlow for one or two shows and they agree to let Days have Joe Moscolo in the trade but Days never got Joe (not sure if they didn’t want him or what). 


    (or she said in an interview) when she went back to Y&R after leaving Days that she felt like she was returning home.  She also said that it took a lot out of her having to play so many characters on Days.  I think maybe they abused her to the point of wanting to leave Days and go back to  Y&R.  My point is, I don’t believe we’ll see her ever again on Days. 

    Of course I said the same thing about Louise Sorrell also.


    now, especially being a grandma!  And no one else could play her like Eileen did, so replacing her wouldn’t do it for me. 

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