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    Where are Jen and Abby going.  When they first mentioned the airport I thought maybe they were going to pick up JJ.  But then I see they have suitcases.  Please, someone, fill me in.  Jack hasn’t even been buried yet and they’re leaving town?

    I think sometimes I miss a lot of dialog because I read the closed captioning.  I know they often leave out part of the conversations if they start getting behind, although Days is pretty good about showing everything they say, it’s usually unscripted shows that does that.  Entertainment Tonight is horrible for leaving stuff out.


    (cremated off-screen, evidently) to Jack, Jr., so they could be together as a family and disperse them.  Guess JJ, who now has decided he wants to be called "Jack", couldn’t come to Salem, so they are taking the ashes to him.


    Thanks, Patti.  I don’t know how I missed that.  I did hear that JJ wanted to be called Jack.  Although I don’t understand why Jack would have wanted to be scattered in Europe (Switzerland, isn’t it?).

    Must be Jen and Abby’s vacation time.


    Glad to hear you mention how much we miss when we have to depend on those captions. I do love that we have those wonderful captions but when the script runs so far behind we are always missing the punch line on jokes. When they cut away for the commercial the captions stop and we are left hanging. So, I know  just what you mean.


    confused when I watched it last night on my DVR.  I backtracked to see if I missed something; but, it must have been discussed on another day when I was ff’ing. 

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