Forum Replies Created
ParticipantDon’t worry, Baltimore will survive this, the city came back from all the other riots, especially in 1968 where over 1,000 buildings burned, so if the law abiding citizens, the police and troops will not have their hands tied to be able to stop the looters, thugs, rioters, and outside agitators, your city should come back shining and a good city again.
ParticipantJust to see them, (the show) do justice to a star (AS) that carried the show through many, many story lines, good and bad. "Sami" drove me crazy at times with her antics but I enjoyed watching her when the show gave her a good SL. Allison deserved a much better send off, even if in a year or so she returns, (the kids will all be in college or be makes ng Sami a grandmother), much as Sami did for Marlena. Be that as it may, she needed a better goodbye.
ParticipantFor one – for “esthetics” that were pleasing to the western cameras: They rounded up all the stray dogs in Sochi and shot or hung them. The waters bad. The hotels are bad. The travel is bad. And I haven’t even started on the human rights issues.
Participantotherwise it’s bone dry. Thanks for the idea of shipping us some of your snow and ice. Up to now, I’ve been wearing shorts and not using the heater except for a smidge for a couple of days. Interesting to see what’s going to happen this summer during fire season since we are like dust in our snow pack.
ParticipantI will have to start watching again just to see what Day’s is going to do (no character replacement please) and what DOOL will be like without Sami. I cannot imagine the show without AS. I know the show has survived without Drake, Diedra, Peter and all (which was surprising to say the least) but without Allison?
Participantand haven’t had any issues except for the fact, as with all sat. and cable providers the costs have skyrocketed – yes, you do get 90 Zillion channels to choose from, of which you watch what (?) 12 on a regular basis, but you can’t order a’la carte – (heard that was congresses fault not the providers), so you have to pay for the stinkeroo channels the same as the stuff you want to watch all the time. Bummer.
ParticipantI’m so there. Lost my beloved Border Collie/Shep. mix after adopting her nine and a half years ago. Still grieving a month later – but I haven’t not had a little doggie heartbeat in my home for 35 years and so I went and adopted a little terrier mix (she’s 4.8 pounds at 16 weeks – I sure hope she gains another four or five lbs. but it doesn’t look like she will even though rescue outfit said her parents were ten lbs.) Wanted a small(er) girl now that I’m an old lady of sixty – thinking ahead if I ever have to go into independent living – most all of the senior places accept smaller doggies. Never thought I’d get a puppy either, but even with my cracking and popping knees and achy back – getting down on the floor with her and witnessing the joy of puppy play is in a word: Priceless!!!
Participantthings within two days with their Prime feature. And they take back anything for any reason for a lengthy reasonable period. I’ve purchased small and big ticket items with them and love them.
Participantyear Patti. Look how many have been burned, but then maybe these folks play the game better than I do – (they think it would put a target on their backs but having immunity would help). Every advantage one can get with some of these cutthroat people playing is good.
October 25, 2013 at 1:00 am in reply to: (WARNING…political opinion, don’t read if you’re going to be offended) #4146253tdogs
Participantwe grew up in Bonbon. I and my friends all say “the trains” (and you know your history) are coming for We, the People soon. But TJMHO – I could be wrong. Not!
ParticipantRemember Michael Vick. (Yes, people have money for that kind of stuff). Perhaps try and pick folks to adopt that are semi-close to where you live that you can check on the welfare of the puppy as it is growing up. I belong to two rescue groups and we have a clause in the contract adoption documents that if ever the person(s) adopting want to return the dog, they will be return to us first whether in six days, six weeks, or six years. That way we are reasonably assured that the dog will not be abandoned. We’ve all heard and know of the horror stories in the news of paying passengers being stuck on the tarmac for 9 hours due to a mechanical failure and not being allowed to leave the planes, (and we know what airline tickets cost these days) – what could/would happen to the cargo hold “passengers”? Good luck in your adoption of your puppies! May they find forever loving homes!
ParticipantI run into someone that likes to bend an ear and I’m in a hurry and with no time to talk. Even if he does have a family, sometimes seemingly people with family are the loneliest people as they’ve exhausted their family with “their ways”, so they try and reach out to others for a connection. Try for truthfulness and being forthcoming with him, explaining that you are a busy person with very limited time in your hectic days. He may not realize this as he seems to have a good deal of time on his hands to chitchat. Let him know that you appreciate all your new good neighbors however you don’t like to gossip or hear gossip about people. Also, let him know your time is very limited as you have a zillion and one things to do all the time. I wouldn’t give excuses (you can run out of those) – be kind yet truthful – let him know that you would be happy to chat when things “slow down” for you. Perhaps, he will get the hint soon.
“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares”.53tdogs
Participantin 2008. Auntie Marie afterwards said she wished she’d done it sooner! The results were spectacular. She was up and walking the next day (in the hospital and the day after that she was released to come home with me where “I took care of her”- she was doing so much on her own I didn’t really take care of her – because she couldn’t drive for a month. After two weeks, she was up and mobile to where I drove her two hours home and she was fine – even working at her job a couple of hours a day. Two weeks later, she picked up her car and was driving around. My point is – that was five years ago – if she did that well back then at her age, think of the improvements that medical science has done by leaps and bounds on this surgery. As for the baths, maybe just sponge baths for two to three weeks and always make sure hubby assists you when you do get in. And make sure to get your PT in – that is critical to keep the joints/ligaments/muscles, etc., moving and to heal faster – ALL the very best to you for a very speedy recovery.
ParticipantI kept lurking on site to see if you guysies had heard anything more about Nora after she mass Emailed out in March that she would be off line. Nora said that she’d had “a setback” as she called it. I sent her one other Email after hers saying that said that we’d all be praying for her and that she was loved by all who met her. I am really saddened to hear that this wonderful lady has passed. Nora had a sense of humor and so much grace. She loved going to lunch for Chinese food with her best friend Bonnie and going with her Mom to Amish country to see and buy their wares. She adored her two dogs Perry and Taco and liked to snuggle with them when it was cold. Nora loved going on trips to see other places. I know that Nora is now on her ultimate trip and seeing a wonderful place where she is whole and not in any pain anymore. Rest in peace dear heart – you taught us all kindness and grace while you were here. You will be missed by so many people. God Bless Nora.
Participanta tee CatLady54. When he lip-smoochied Kate’s grand daughter Chelsa, that was the end of me even considering to ever like him – she may have been barely over jail-bait age but it gave me the willies. Man-whore is what Dan’s character is – Chelsa, Kate, Chole, Jennifer, and Nicole (did I leave anyone off the list? – at least with Rebbeca and Carly there was a space gap) all in the space of four years!