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Participantabout as much as I did Stephanie…(Yeeech)…but over time, little by little, she grew on me…I can say I didn’t like her when she did the little girl pouty mouth twisting – but even that had stopped for the most part in the last year…Seems like the writers develope a character, make them a major player in the show – and phhhht before you know it…going, going – Gone! SL and all. Shame. Fans invest a great deal in the characters we know and love.
Participantfour? The more things change…
Participantof…plus bad knees, bad ankles and bad back – I am SO in awe of some of these "kids" that have such grace and mobility! The curly haired girl that was on early in the show last night brought tears to my eyes as she moved like an angel across the floor.
Amazing is all I can say. If I was 50 years younger, I’d insist on getting dance lessons from my parents (but the piano lessons all those years didn’t help either)! Good thing I had a husband that could really boogie down and make me look good on the dance floor when we danced – a great partner on the dance floor is helpful for us two-left feet people! Guess the old saying, "Dance like no one is watching..." applies for us! LOL!
Participantthe delight of all the fans and then the writers just drop the ball with their story lines – there is so much they can do with these actors who made these characters come alive over the years. If Alice and Tom were still alive and on the show – I’m sure the writers wouldn’t know how to write long-term for them either…sad, Sad, sad, SAD, sad.
Participantfuture in Salem…there will never, ever, never be anyone that can replace Stefano as the baddest of them all. I’m going to miss Joe. He made that role.
Participantsecond season they became too preachy in pushing agendas. Should have kept it half and half – comedy/drama as it was in first season. I didn’t even know Southland was on a network, I’ve only watched it on TNT and it’s a great cop show.
Participantboss (although, we just liked getting him locked up and away from the office)…I hope your very worth while charity got a lot of donations.
Participantto love scene – I do tend to sometimes mis-hear what is said at times…I must have missed that episdode of Jim kissing – that would have been interesting. One thing I did like about PoI and some of the other shows is that their season was long – 22 or 23 episodes…it seems as if some shows are on for 7 or 8 episodes and then they are off the air for the same length of time – or longer. Hard to follow. Like when they started Keifer’s show "Touch".
Participant"Face it, girls. I’m older and I have more insurance." — Evelyn Couch (Kathy Bates), to the young smart alec women whose car she’s just slammed into — repeatedly — after they stole her parking space and said "Face it, lady. We’re younger and faster." Tooooooooo bad the PTB don’t understand that we oldsters have a lot more money than those young folks. Mommy and Daddy can cut off their allowance but we still have our bankrolls (such as they are).
Participantpull him by the ear and tell him "What a mean, Mean, MEAN, mean man" he’s become and Mommy is NOT happy about it at all! That would really be EJ’s comeuppance for all the crappiola he’s pulled over the years (and yes, I still love him)! Pay back more than anyone else could ever give him! EJ would hang his head and follow her out of the room saying "Yes, Mother"…Hahahhahaha! That would be ROFLMAO funny!!!
ParticipantDOOL and Maggie and Victor were just getting together, they (writers) had already alluded to pulling them apart. I seriously doubt that these writers would have left Tom and Alice as a happy cornerstone couple. Like ya said, they can’t let any couple be happy in the long run.
Participantget physical with a woman on screen – because he is married. I applaud his convictions. Reminds me of the old movies where Cary Grant and that generation just implied instead of ripping clothes off left and right. That is a big reason I got tired of DOOL. And I’m really not a prude at all. "Biker chickie" in my younger days but sometimes immagination and good acting is soooo much better than skin and such in the movies and the boob tube.
Thanks! I’ve been lurking very late at night (even very late for west coast time)…no time any more in the days and in the evenings but always enjoy reading all of you guysies posts and comments! Miss ya all!
Participantgood ending – he admited he was human after all! . I knew Hugh was English, having seen and heard him in several movies and plays but it was really disconcerting to hear "House" with an English accent. For eight years not giving a trace of his natural voice is proof he is a consummate actor.
Participanthad a lot of class with a capital "C". Learned from his show how to "stroll", watusi, Twist, mash potato…
Participanta ferry sinking, a bomb, a shooting, etc., and now a plane crash – What the h-E-double toothpicks else can Grey’s come up with? Think this is the last year for the doctors too. I don’t want Merdith operating on me if she is going to "ner" out with the thinking cap like she did with the match.