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Participantthat was the concensus with the rest of America on most of these shows.
I did watch all of Pan Am because I grew up in that era, but the pilots were a bit hokey as most pilots (especially then – speaking from all the pilots in my family), because most were WWII, Korean War veterans and in early 1960’s they would have been in their fortys or older. All the young pilots were fighting in Vietnam not hired by major airlines for the most part.
I thought CSI (which I’ve never watched because I don’t like murder and mayhem) was a big franchise and long running – surprised it went off the air.
Alcatrez, I watched three times (because I live in Cali). but it was boring.
Awake, once or twice because the premise was interesting but became boring. Harry’s Law was good because of K. Bates, for awhile but it became too preachy.
As for the rest of the shows – never heard of them, didn’t care to watch – drivel, especially that GCB. Good shows like M.A.S.H., Law and Order, Gunsmoke, (I’m dating myself now), House, and of course, Desperate House"fraus" (as I like to call them) all stayed on for years and years because they were good and well written – not this mindless, insulting and boring crappiola that they have on the air sometimes now.
Participantthat Jim must have had some extra special acting guidance from above when he played that role). I agree Patti and all – I fill guilty when I watch him in "Person of Interest" and think to myself – he is such a hunk of a man!
ParticipantDid I miss something last spring between the two of them (innocent or not) because I was watching right up until he left this past winter…I know my memory is baddddddddd but for the life of me, I cannot figure out why Daniel and Nicole would be even having a conversation. Yes, Nicole and Chloe were "friends" but not much going on or interaction with Daniel. Do they need to pair up as well? Does Nicole Walker Layton Roberts Kiriakis DiMera really need another last name. I’m thinking it will be Lucas.
ParticipantI may have to watch the Alimania SL – if just for Shane and Roman. (The J&H thing gives me the creeps). And with Billie Reed back, that may be interesting. I’m wondering if Madison and Billie will end up being friends or duke it out.
What is Abby going to jump in the bed with C&A ala menage e’ tois? That would be a first for Salem – if they (the writers) are going to insist on getting jiggy with it
…since they are pushing envelope on everything else on the show.
Participantcharacters in the show to balance all the other "crazies" in Salem. Can you imagine how we’d all feel if Mrs. "H" had a was different? She wouldn’t still be a hero on the show even after her passing all these years ago. And they did give Hope the alter-ego of Princess Gina story line.
So they could have Sami become "Stan" again (NOT!) or some other character again, just to keep her (and Ali), from the same constant scene of "I screw up-I cry-I say-I’ll change-but I don’t really change" if only just for one longgggggggggggggeggg SL. And yes, Sami did morph into Colleen as well. Now that was a very interesting SL (even with EJ). Ali is a great actress and the show should let her stretch her wings. I’m sure Ali would be up for it.
Look how there was not one dry eye in all of Salem t.v. land when we were watching her (Sami/Ali) with Grace’s passing. Brilliant. Ali could pull it off, we (the fans) would be happy, I think Ali would be happy if they’d give her some other kind of role for awhile – (if they won’t change her permanently). I would rather have her get off into a story line for a while where she is someone else than keep-on-keeping-on being the same old screw up re-hash that she’s become.
And the writers (I’m not going to put the adjective I’m thinking in front of the word "writers"), did a fairly good kidnapping plot with Sydney and Sami’s reaction, but then they went not barely a year later to Johnny – (even though he wasn’t really kidnapped), just to draw the same reaction from Sami – that was "eye rolling" not at Sami but the reason for the SL.
Participantup against the wall and see what sticks" if it doesn’t work, we can always put them back with their old partner or try with someone new…like they are doing with John and Hope now. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!
ParticipantPatti, they’ve only done it for the last fifteen years. Why would they change Sami’s tune now that we are all bored to death of the way she acts so predictably in every situation? Why would the writers take a perfectly good character who has ties to most or all of the other characters on the show that could supply endless great story lines and have her do the same thing over and over again?
Thank goodness that Ali is so talented in the part she is able to carry it off every single show – but you’d think even she, as the apple of Corday’s eye would rebel and say S-T-O-P writing my character this way! Ali should have quite a bit of pull being "the star" of the show after all these years, especially since even we die-hard fans are very, very tired of this rinse and repeat. I loved Sami at one time but after all these years of the same-old-same-old…Nah, not so much anymore.
Participantwas always Mr. Slacks/Mr. Preppy – I cannot see Lucas on a horse or Harley. Maybe since he lived in China for so long, he needed something "American" to remind him of home.
Participantwas on a commercial selling chicken.
Participantmovies instead of a soap and they make a "name for themselves" in Hollyweird – FYI w/p/etc.,s – we don’t want explicit scense in our soaps or movies.
Participantappreciate it.
Participantin their lives when they find out the other had an affair. The guilty party always starts out by saying "…it just happened." No, your pants did not just magically unzip themselves and your "little brain" jumped "in". No, you were suddenly in an earthquake and had to hang onto the other person by falling in the bed and your clothes shook off…
Participantis the only thing that they know how to write about! And you guysies wonder why I quit watching my favorite show of all time…you can only bang your head on the wall so many times before going "Ouch"! The show became too much rinse and repeat the same ol’ SL’s. And painful to watch.
ParticipantHow long and how many times did John fight to be with Marlena? And the same with Hope to be with her beloved Bo? And we fans struggled, hoped and wanted them to be with their true loves for years. Yet the writers insist on saying, "nooooooooooo, we don’t give a rat’s behind what you fans want."
Participantof the SP folks to read up on the happenings of the Salemites. This way won’t stress me out or my FF’ding button. I don’t feel that anything should be forced down the view audiences throats either, (on both sides). I don’t watch mad slasher movies, etc., like that because I don’t wish to. So the advertisers won’t get my purchasing dollars because I don’t watch their show, there will be plenty of other people who will watch. Don’t be sad, I will still be lurking on SP and know several other people who just lurk here (and other sites) just to keep up on the show. And you know me, I can’t keep my mouth shut with questions about why Sami did this or that or about the goings on of J&M, Bope, Carrie, Austin, Stefano and Katie, etc. 21 years, they are people who have come into my family room every day, hard to say a "permanent" good-bye to those folks.