Forum Replies Created
Participantin my teens, now today’s music is just "noise" to me…Hello old(er) age! Welcome!
February 19, 2012 at 8:47 pm in reply to: $$$$ spoilers coming up (very explicit so don’t look if you don’t want to know) …… #3116853tdogs
Participantquestion Nora), is just long enough for Sami to get together with Lucas (get pregnant), and run back to Rafe, or EJ, or…….
Participantmissed it the first time…
Participantpull the same ol’ immature crappiola when she is in her sixties, (of course, at our age you and I at that time Bon, will be watching on the big screen in the clouds by then).
Participantphysically as well, and then in the teens when puberty hits the boys catch up and that’s when they shoot up? (At least in the physical department, not sure emotionally boys catch up until they are about 25 or so, hence the car insurance fees).
Participantthings to do with my time. I’m sick of the show too.
Participantif Will is already acting like Sami, what then are her other three children going to be like when they grow up? Sami has already passed her "non-like a mature adult" gene onto Will. It just took a bit longer to show up on him as he was a fine young man until all of this stuff happened recently (and no, I am not talking about Will’s homosexuality). We know little Johnny can be a terror at times. What about the two girls (which we never see any more too much)? I’ve said for this of Sami as a mother regarding her temper tantrums and fly off the handle moments and how her behavior will effect her children for a very long time – if you are going to be raised by a wolf, you are going to be a wolf.
* as much as one can be concerned for a character in t.v., movie, play.
Participantfor this character – I’m never blaming Ali, (she is a consummate actress). I am only distressed as a fan of the show for over 20 year at the writers and their endless theme of keeping this character in Peter Pan Land and never letting her grow up.
PS – this was suppose to go in as it’s own post, not as a reply. – My butterfingers…
Participanthanging "chads"…LOL!
Participantself actions, and one cannot blame anyone else for how one turned out, acts or is. Too much namby pamby psych sh_t if Sami is still trying to blame Marlena for the confernence room table scene when she was 15 years old. Get over it, get help and get your life together Sami – I haven’t felt sorry for you since you were 20 years old! And as she is 36 years old now, I’m really tired of saying, "Oh, that Sami..."again and again.
ParticipantSami has always been this way since she was 15 years old. (With maybe the exception of when Grace passed away).
Participantthey will have Abby put Austin in a cage…
Participantshows on Hallmark. I’d love to see Dragnet, Hogan’s Heros, Petticoat Junction, Green Acres, (dating myself really bad now).
Participantloved the styles and hair of the sixties (not that I want to go back there), it’s just fun to see. And with "Desperate Housefraus" going off in a few weeks too, darn, there’s another interesting soap gone.