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Participanttimes myself. Look at Bo and Hope now too – they were happy, getting their life in order, but Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…the writer’s just can’t let anyone be happy for just a little while. I realize I just said in an earlier post a few minutes ago that this is the nature of soaps – happy-sad-strife-life, but still I don’t like it, I don’t like it one bit!
Participantgeezer (me)…LOL!
Participantthat spark to hold my interest – she reminds me of Stephanie (although, Abby isn’t quite there yet). Mel I could not stand when she first came on the show, and she still reverts back to that little girl pouty mouth at times but as a character she has evolved. Abby in two years will be the same character…
Participantthey have mellowed quite a bit as well, you have to have the bad to recognize the good. Soaps are yin and yang.
Participantage with computers and all to not have a spread sheet with the dates and ages of all the characters?
Participantmanage a tois and not in polite company please – Perhaps she tried to resume her life way too fast. Jennifer may need Dr. Dan (and even Dr. Marlena*) more than she knows, I know it was her own heart Dr. Surfer Dude sewed back into her so she doesn’t need any rejections medications for a "normal" heart surgery, but she may need some additional meds for herself.
That kind of trauma (mentally* and physically) you just don’t pick up and carry on so fast as she did – it was remarkable healing for someone in their forties (I can’t remember how long her heart was removed from her body – because I was laughing so much at the ridculousness of this "episode" – but it seemed like days even if it was just minutes or seconds). Remember the really very clean and sterile conditions that Dr. Dan and Mel operated in?
January 8, 2012 at 6:54 pm in reply to: Is GH still on the chopping block? I tuned in last week for the heck of it and… #3026853tdogs
Participantforty years of "free" entertainment, with an entirely new generation – they wouldn’t have to build sets, hire lighting crews, might have to pay the actors a small residual but cheaper in the long run…Sure a lot better than sitting through endless so called experts on "talk-shows" even that Oprah lady knew it was time to get out of the talk shows when her ratings started to dip – If I want to talk, I’ll pick up the phone or invite friends over.
Participanttime keeping tract of what’s going on with Salem today as opposed to years ago…just bits and pieces of memory fluff going on with long ago characters…
Participantat her age? Oh my gosh…she hasn’t been gone that long has she? I so feel like Rip Van Winkle now…somebody please get my walker and Depends!
Participantin a very bad car accident in England and (that’s when I thought they’d bring back a different actress than Lisa – who has always been Billie to me). Isn’t that why Chelsa left to go take care of her? Heck with the show bringing back everyone – I look to see Chelsa returning some day soon also.
Participantslowwwwwwwwww in Salem, othewise why would all of those families be living with each other?
Participantand took care of patients – the rest of the doctors and nurses were all playing grab-a$$ or trying to hook up, with a once in awhile yelling of "Stat" or "Nurse!".
Participantthe falling in the Christmas tree, the whiny moo face he makes with Jennifer, I don’t even feel sorry for his so-called PTSD (which they rushed threw) SL -and I really wanted and was happy that they brought him back as I like the "old" school actors on DOOL much better (but I can’t say that for Jack – and not actors fault I would hope, just the writing) – sigh, just getting old – set in my ways I guess.
ParticipantShamWows, or the other stuff hawked on late night t.v. and just FF’d through it.
Participantso one day behind). Agree with all you said about Tuesday’s show. What cat? Bo is a great character to watch – I don’t recall one time I’ve not cared for his SL’s (even the Princess Gina or Billie time) – he is a just a great character. Yes, the Austin/Abby thing is so crappiola – will not be watching when/if they fall into each other’s arms. FF’ding time there. Poor Carrie. And if Carrie and Rafe get together, I can’t wait to see Sami come unglued at the seems – pot calling the kettle black and all. Also, very werid seeing Abe and EJ sharing a nice moment together on Tuesday’s show, (although, it could end up far from a "nice" moment – as they are such rivals).