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Participantholding the converstation with Mel and then his mother (Maggie) were there and he couldn’t cover up….come on…that was to the point of insanity on the writer’s.
Participantfinest as Patti mentioned in her post, but Carrie has always been pretty even keeled and upbeat. She’s not a really predictable character like Sami. Carrie is more real as a person, she’s faced adversity (the acid in the face), falling in love, (and the cheating), but she’s grown, she’s not in teeny-bopper mentality mode as Sami is for the last 15 years.
Participantchild as when Julie and Doug got together….I would guess then that Sami is hopeless…because Rafe is a sweetheart of a darling good man….If that’s true than we can look forward to in 40 years when Sami is in the nursing home sleeping with EJ in room 11, Rafe in room number 4, and giving the nurses hell, terrorizing around in her wheelchair while pulling out Kate’s oxygen hoses in room number six.
ParticipantI’ve been hoping and wishing for years! But when I read the first line of your post, the first thought that went through my head was "Yeah, when piggies fly!"
After 15 years I’ve been waiting for Sami to grow up (and I’m not talking about the few temper tantrums that she really deserved to throw because of what happened over her life to her) B-U-T…it’s just not going to happen, it’s rinse and repeat for this character.
I know from reading you all’s posts over the years (I’ve only been watching for about 21 years) there have been characters that have been hell-on-wheels when they were younger and the show has let them grow up. Bo comes to mind, heck, even little ol’ Melly is growing up! Wasn’t Jennifer a wild-child ? (Before my time). But there has to be a few…I just cannot for the life of me why the show thinks that we like this character of Sami this way after all these years.
Participantspell her middle name.
Participantwas nice, I agree with ya 100% Justwondering…especially in the lobby – when I go to a spa for massage, pedi, etc.,, I want soothing music, waterfall noises in a fountain, pleasent smells, a serene and calming atmosphere – if they’d had it (whatever the boys were doing) in another room down the hall – that would be one thing…
ParticipantMiss Samantha Jean Brady-Reed-Walker-Roberts-DiMera-Hernandez-and who ever has the unfortunate luck to cross her path in the future…I just shake my head when I watch her now…I had to literally take a three month break because she (and her shinanigans) drove me up the flippin’ wall…
Participantand kindness of her heart when it comes to Sami (or anyone or anything)…I was wondering if they are going to try and get Aly back to Lucas when he returns to the show. Seeing how she is kind of like fluff in a story line and just sits there like furniture (like most of the children).
It was kind of sad to read about Brian working as a construction hand all these years that he’s been off the show – (not that that isn’t a good living too), it’s just I’m glad he’s coming back to the show – for at least awhile.
Participantfashion…kissing cousins doesn’t even begin to discribe the Salemites!
Participantthe Kitty Kat Klaws coming out), I guess one place is as good as another for her….
ParticipantAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa….Bump – bounce! (me running at the insanity of the show making EJ being John’s son….and the thought that it actually could be that way; hitting the wall and bouncing back up….continuing)………AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA…Bump. (Another damn wall)……………………….
Participantand I’m not talking about his coming out, I’m talking about his feeling unwanted and uncared for. I’ve always said that we’ll see Sami’s kids on a milk carton or wanted poster hanging in the USPS due to her kind of parenting skills, heck, not even due to her parenting skills or lack there of – due to her personality! Me, Me, Mine.
Participantthe least that he would feel unworthy, unwanted and unloved. Sami always says she loves her kids, but 90% of the time they "are in her way" and she shuffles and pawns them off to Carolynn at the Pub or anyone else who happens to be handy (even Kate!) just to do what Sami wants which is "whatever Sami feels like" at the time.
Participantduring Christmas but J and A were not mentioned at all. Maybe they went to see the kids?