Forum Replies Created
Participantsurprise me in the least…
ParticipantSo glad all is well. I know you said your friend was visiting but couldn’t remember how for how long. Hope you all had a blast sweetie! And that dad and all are doing wonderful.
Participantahhhh Stefano, I knew it! Always from the ashes…more lives than a cat or vampire with a stake…
ParticipantTHANK YOU to your hubby for his wonderful service to us all.
Participantknow what I’m going to do with no posts to read for two weeks from you all. The Olympic’s were great today though…I didn’t even know white water kyacking (sp?) was a sport – very exciting!
Participantapology to let poster know their perception of what was said was taken in error. I was not slamming poster in the slightest – just expressing my thoughts on the subject. As did poster. I probably should have not posted directly under the original post and for that I also apologize, even if the poster does not "lurk" and or ever see this apology. As I said I was not disagreement. Not sure why the poster thought I was knocking the opinion -no malice intended at all. I was agreeing with the stated premise. I will not be walking my post back, however, if the poster’s feelings were hurt as stated – well, again, sorry.
As I have stated before that although I do not watch the show any more, I keep up with the show through the posts. Everyone here writes much better scripts and SL’s that are even better than the current writers of the last two or so years.
ParticipantI was just saying that an expert is only as good as the next one comes along and then refutes the previous "expert". Happens all the time in the scientific community and other fields.
I was certainly not "mocking" not you or anyone on the board. I try not to even mock the characters – I may not care for their shenanigans, and rail against what is happening in a story line and how the writers write them, but I would not slam or get angry or mock any real person on the board with a different view.
And as I stated I was agreeing with your premise about EJ – it could be either "or" (nurturing or nature) – scientist do not even know, as was mentioned. I barely read who it is that has written a comment post as I am reading, responding and commenting on the subject matter at hand. Sorry, if you, perceived that I personally went out to mock or offended you deliberately or otherwise. From now on, I will make sure my posts go under the main subject to respond and not directly under your post (just an easy quick keyboard click for times sake). Again, sorry if you took my response as "mocking" you – there was certainly no intent in response.
Participantscientific big finding comes along. Just look at Einsteins non-disclosure of "his" E=MC2 theory. I think one can overcome both ones genetics and environmental "heritage". I am not just speaking of a t.v. character who can be rewritten once a week. Millions of real people who have three strikes against them because of environment or genetics do grow up to be fine, upstanding, kind, and proud individuals. My "bio-parents", for example, were horrors in the truest worst sense of the word and should have never been allowed or able to procreate, let alone "raise" children. I have aspired to be completely opposite of them and their memory.When I see these criminal thug gang-bangers say – ‘Oh, I grew up in the hood, that is the way it is so I have to belong in a gang to get by…’. Or someone who is in the generational welfare cesspool without trying to get out by pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps and wishes to continue being on the dole, a living sponge on the rest of us, then I have to laugh and say "well, isn’t that just living the easy life." The same for the Hollyweirders that have mega-money and privilege that does not buy them happiness and only serves to make them lower on the evolutionary scale – I don’t think any intelligent, sane, reasonable person really wants to "hang" out with the aforementioned. That is why it is fun to watch the characters in the soaps – too far from reality, but close enough for we viewers to recognize we do not to want to get burned by by their "life" styles.53tdogs
ParticipantDiMera – through and through. Even though right now the DOOL writers have re-written history yet again, (that he is not Stefano’s child). He was raised by Stefano, hence EJ’s hardball cold and calculating demeanor as a DiMera. If it walks like a duck….
Participantsomething to prove to the world – not because they are good at something though.
Participantmonths behind…
Days of Our Lives
Next episode
Mon 30 Jul 02:00 PMBo is able to convince the girl Ciara and Theo encountered to tell him and Hope where she last saw the kids. Taylor tells Nicole and E.J. that she needs to move out as quickly as possible.53tdogs
Participantsarcasm, snarky, facetious…the way I use it. I.e, – I could care less…but I don’t care at all.
Participantyou’ve said it all so very well Casey!