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Participantour DOOL characters ever! LOL! Good one Trix!
ParticipantKate! LOL! High fashion, better than anyone, always plotting and planning…
Participantnot many movies do justice to the books they are patterned after. I haven’t read a King book in a long time, because of his genre, but he is the best of the best in absolute horror, (and not the monster kind of horror – but actual horror), just not my cup of tea but I will look for The Long Walk – sounds interesting. Not sure how much more gruesome I could take seeing how The Hunger Games creeped me out. Thanks.
Participant"un-depressed" from reading it…it was pretty dark. I usually like more uplifting books but I do have to admit, I could not put "The Hunger Games" down – read it in one afternoon. Thanks to you and Bon for letting me know about them making a movie about it…sounds interesting, especially if they do a good job at it. And yes, I was very surprised to read that it is geared to a younger crowd…no wonder so many kids now-a-days are down – all the killing, little hope for the future. Very dark book, guess even the book left the horror open for the sequels. Reminds me of Rod Serling, Stephen King, etc. also.
Participantscenery from the operating room. Back to her roots so to speak.
Participantthe "location" on the map where Salem is suppose to be…I’d imagine they’d have snow and very blustery winds too.
ParticipantFor just making all the challenges against his fellow competitors. I didn’t like the "coach/dragon-slayer/" I thought he was a big phoney. So much of this game is for the audience, lights, camera, action…I read a book last week called "The Hunger Games" a sort of stepped up Survivor game set in the future, but they (characters) all really had to survive in the game or be killed and it was televised as the highest rated show to the public that was forced to watch (because it was their children who had to play the game) – I can actually see that on t.v. in the future if we keep going the way we are. And then there are our troops, now there are the people that really deserve a million dollars. So I just look at this Survivor game on t.v. as a comedy of what silly, greedy people are.
Participantsee the oldies but goodies returned, however, that being said, remember the last time they brought Kayla back, no story to speak of, and the first month of J&M back (which I loved), they were stuck in the apartment. Think perhaps it’s a case of "be careful what you wish for, you just may get it", as the show seems to want to please us by bringing back all our old favorites, but not really giving them a story they can sink their teeth into. Maybe, it’s me and I’m just jaded now with DOOL.
Participantwell, and I live in the sticks! Try that too, but yes, I’ve been downloading free and .99 cent books all morning! The technology is amazing. I even downloaded for free The Bible! Now I can take it every where I go! Classics, romances, thrillers, best sellers! Just love it!
Participantgame with friend all afternoon, and am halfway into a book called "The Hunger Games" sci-fi type genre, interesting premise. Several other books downloaded. And checking in my local library for "free" downloads as books get expensive. I have three or four still to read on my books – THIS is what my retirement fantasy was all about! So many books! Why did I wait so long to get Kindle? Why didn’t I listen to you guysies??? Back to books!
Participantgoing to go bury my nose in several books for the next week! Love and Hugs!
Participant(besides the fact that her character is old, as in very predictable and tired to watch, as we all know what Sami is going to do, i.e., fly off the handle, whine, snivel, cry, rant, rave, place blame on others, yadda-yadda, yadda), is for continuity of the show. Sami is 35-37 years old. Mother of four children, (maybe more in the future – yeech – poor kids).
Carolyn, is never shown on the show much anymore. Maggie is getting up there in the long-of-tooth, (with no offense intended to this beautiful woman but it’s a fact). And as for Marlena and Kate and even Hope – they are older now as well. Hence Sami should be maturing. She should grow into the area of Hope, Marlena, etc., is now as the younger crowd so start to edge into her current realm with young families of their own…the "circle of life" if you will.
Let Mel, or Abby, Gabby or even Will take on Sami’s persona non grata of whiney and bitchy if the writers think they need a Melrose Place Lindsey Lohan type character to make the show "pop".
ParticipantWindow decorated tree, and the other Salemites too way back when had gorgeous trees – even at the Pub and Bo/Hopes house…maybe the pretty ornaments broke or the boxes got lost and the Salemites can’t afford to replace in this economy?
ParticipantPub to "go to work" and that was that…(but I’m not crying about her).
ParticipantPub to "go to work" and that was that…(but I’m not crying about her).