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Participantbut all my friends have Kindle Fire and they play Scrabble with each other via KF so I had to get KF to play with them. Also there is a web site "Pixles of Ink" this site has free and very low cost EBooks on it. I will be sitting at my front door waiting on the delivery tomorrow morning! Santa is coming early! LOL! Thanks for the info. !
Participantsubject, since we last chatted about it about 40 weeks ago! Finally broke down, spent my hard earned little duckies and ordered my Kindle Fire! Delivery tomorrow. I’ve been listening to books on and love them, but I figured it was time to get one so I don’t have to run to the library and stand in line at checkout every week. Everyone out there still love their Kindle????? (Please tell me you do and the money was worth it! – I know you have an IPAD Nora, but that was more bucks and I don’t need to surf the web on my book thingy – although, I hear Kindle Fire does have that feature).
Participantbenefit of the doubt that her character will stand and stay strong and not whimp out.
Participantthat the writers will let her grow up…but as for the rest of what you said LynneKaren – SO TRUE, soooooooo true!
Participantexpecting any concessions and be grateful in her situation with four kids and a hubby out of work, like millions of real life families across the country to even have a job. And I’d be busting my a$$ to make my boss happy and keep my job. That goes for "nursing" mothers out there too who have it much more difficult than Sami Jean does…Sami’s not nursing, (although at times she is the biggest baby I’ve ever seen), she has a wealth of people in Salem ready to watch and help her with the kids. Sami is just inept.
Participantetc., as leopards…they don’t change their spots. They are who they are, just as it is in real life sometimes.
Participantmad at him…something just a bit more derogatory with the "d".
Participantwarning! As much as I love J&M, not interested in watch a "9 1/2 Weeks" moment with Marlena and a strawberry.
Participantis ever dead, disappeared, sick with a horrible disease, etc. for long…
ParticipantSami (or so she has always thought). I’ve thought for a long time now the exact same thing you said in your last sentence Casey! No sympathy at all for this spoiled, whiney, cry-baby of a so-called woman.
Participantwriter’s "let her grow up!"
Participanta dark alley – all alone. Him, and Michael Vick. No sympathy from me for people like this. Just a waste of breathin’ air.
Participantever hurt anyone, she would just string these boys along forever. This way she was having her cake and eating it too…I am surprised that two grown men would ever consider what these three having been doing for months. Only in Hollyweird! Only in Hollyweird.