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Participantup her sleeves….not like Kate to bury the hatchet anywhere but in Sami’s head. Ulterior motive will play out I’m betting after Kate reels Sami in…
Participantof going down that road with our show. I could see your senerio Luckey, Sami could turn green with envy over actually nothing going on between Rafe and Carrie, seeing her own sin, time for her to stop throwing stones at glass houses. I’d love for the writers to have Sami unravel at the seems at the thoughts of Rafe and Carrie…might teach her a lesson.
Participantcame up with as many as I could think of in a few short minutes when making my point about musical marriages and beds in Salem…seems everyone has been with every one! I’m sure we all could come up with endless list of partners with partners going back far in time and not so far…LOL!
Participantit did! Thank you Salemites for joining in for a quick ending to an awful story.
Participantolder men with younger women. I can’t think of a single unattached older woman that is on the loose in Salem, unless they bring in someone new. However, there are so many characters now, they (show) are going to have a difficult time writing a coherent and conducive SL for them all.
I’d just love to see more of Roman, as he has pretty much been relegated to a line here and there once a week, if that, and while I agree, not every one must have a partner 24/7, Roman has not been with anyone in a very long time.
Participantme think of the old saying "What goes around, comes around…" In no particular order of "relationships" but you know someone has to be comparing in the back of their mind once in a while with all the musical weddings and let’s not forget the revolving beds….
Carrie-Austin-now possibly Rafe
Participantbeen about surviving. The contestants aren’t on that island alone, they have camera crews, helicopter transport, nurse/doctor staff, etc. If any one of them were hungry and fainted from being really truly hungry they’d have a medical staff there immediately. They are not really starving like children in Africa or in Northern Korea, where you die of starvation.
I even think that they have make-up crews to smudge just the right amount of dirt on their faces and clothing to look good for the cameras…these folks may be sleeping on a beach, but it’s a television show, there is no real hardship, no danger, no fighting for food to live…that’s why I’ve only watched a couple of seasons, if you really want to make it survivor – let’s make it survival of the fittest no rice, no water rationing, one camera man, and none of these silly games in-between. Let them hunt for actual food that has been hidden instead of a silly rhyming note found in a tree. Go Roman or Greek survival games on them, that would bring up the ratings. I wonder if the American people would watch that kind of survival game – I think it would knock the ratings right out of the roof! Heck, they don’t even have to go to an island, survive in the back streets of Detriot, or Watts, or a swamp in Louisiana.
Participantgoing to be out of jail by next week? Stef and EJ would be out the very next day, they have too high priced attorneys with a few judges in their pockets to spend any more than a night in jail. Corruption, graft, lies, and even getting away with murder, it’s all an art form to the DiMera’s.
Participantfar as fashion goes. She is a drop-dead gorgeous woman for her or any age. I enjoy seeing what she is wearing although some of her outfits are a bit out there (or way out of the ball park at times), I think Kate is the only one that can and does carry the look off. And she does have some nice clothes/outfits as well. Think Katie might not be that outlandish in her style if Salem was just a bit closer to New York City or Paris with her fashion, we all just don’t live in NYC or the city of lights to see this kind of stuff on our streets.
But I’d rather see Kate dressed up in all her high fashion, than the "Wallymartians" at Wallyworld – from some of the Email jokes (pictures of real people) and how they dress going out of their house into public, (but then I can’t imagine dressing the way they dress inside their house either).
Participantjust like I did the summer teen stories way back when (when the ‘children’ went to the island, Jan and ShawnD or any other story with a teen involved) as a moment to go get a cup of coffee or check Salem Place on the computer if I don’t FF’d. B-o-r-i-n-g!
Participantprediction of the final outcome Bon. I’ve only watched two season of this show (one wayyyyyyyy back when it first started and now this one). I tend to want the underdog to win in games (we’ll see this weekend in football), which is why my choice would be Sophie or Rick.
I wish that they’d play repeats of the prior seasons so I could watch all the way through and see the different tactics of the game. (No, I’m not going to go out and by the DVD – not that much of a fan). Many of my friends have watched every season they predicted the exact same thing you said about Oz and coach being in the finale.
I think Brandon is in the show exactly for what you said the high drama and ratings of the show and Probst and his gang milk it for all it’s worth…because I don’t think that Brandon would be a very interesting person to know in "real life".
Participantknow a man in Salem who is in desperate need of some female company as it has been literally years since we’ve seen him with a woman….Roman. I think, from what I recall, there may have been a little flirty-flirt-flirt way back when between Roman and Billie as well. I could see them together if I could get past remembering she was with his brother.
ParticipantI felt sorry for him at first, but he turned into a little wormy snake. However, the previews kinda indicated that Oz gets tromped by Edna next week…not sure if that was just a teaser like so many of the commericals are. I’d rather so much see one of the others like Sophie or the cowboy get the money prize instead of these cock-of-the-walk very strange people like Brandon, coach (small "c" intentional) or Ozzy.
Finale live show is December 18th, so I guess Jeff will get to go on his honeymoon, he should know some really good places to take his newest bride.
Participantthey did with Susan Banks yesterday and only shown the backs of them – heck, he didn’t even come home when his brother Zack was killed.