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Participantbefore and am doing so now…I just think Day’s thinks it’s a plus to have men with an accent, makes them more sexy…ala Stef, (and for an older guy – he is), and EJ, (although, his royal badness is now off my "A" list – sorry BonoSugaRay – more for you though!)…ever noticed how a large amount of commericals have Azzusies or KQwiees as pitchmen for products? Mmmmmmmmm…sorry, give me a Texas twang or slow southern drawl on a guy any day…
Participantto "the dark side" for awhile, then true love with Mel will come riding to the rescue and Chad will see the error of his ways…
ParticipantI loved it, it was great to have "Susan" back! Who ever is playing Susan, got Elieen’s voice inflections and did homage to how she played a great character on the show. Susan was annoying but such a hoot! I miss the humor and laughter in the show – Salemites are wayyyyyyyyyyyy to serious now-a-days!
ParticipantI loved it, it was great to have "Susan" back! Who ever is playing Susan, got Elieen’s voice inflections and did homage to how she played a great character on the show. Susan was annoying but such a hoot! I miss the humor and laughter in the show – Salemites are wayyyyyyyyyyyy to serious now-a-days!
Participantwhere 1.2 B(with a capital "B") illion is…so I guess John may have had the very same accounting firm, the investor’s will never see a dime of that money back – but then this is just a television show.
Participantother child, what was her name? Oh yeah, the one always stuck up in the attic at the Pub, the cute little blond haired girl….that’s it – Allie.
I’d love for Lucas just to be back, as long as they don’t do what they do to all the old cast, make a big tadooooooooo about them returning, give them one or two days of the grand ol’ glory of the olden Day’s and then regulate them to cardboard cut-outs in the back ground. Lucas is away from Sami, I don’t want Sami to be with anyone, she is poison.
I wish that the show would have the guts to leave her out of any kind of relationship for an entire year – let her grow the hell up and then after a complete personalitylumpectomy, she is a changed, grown-up, a mature and smart woman. I don’t want Sami to go away, she’s like the theme of DOOL, a fixture. What a great thing to see her mature right before our eyes on screen. Rafe can even come back after forgiving her, she can be with Lucas, she can even be with EJ – (I just threw that in for BonoSugaRay), or even someone new on the horizon – just let her grow up first, one more weeping Oh-poor-is-me, or it’s everyone elses fault, not mine or a fly off the handle scene with her…
The greatest maturity scene that Sami has ever been in (besides Grace’s passing) is when she went totally out of her normal mode and actually followed Kate’s advice on how to deal with Madison…(and yes, I do believe Kate has an alterior motive in passing smart wisdom onto Sami – it could have easily backfired on Sami but be that as it may, it worked).
ParticipantI will be happy to see Dr. Dan depart, never interested me in any of his SL’s – the only time I watched is when Chloe was having her meltdown – Dr. Dan should have stuck with Chloe – they were a pair that "complimented" each other.
Participanthe’d be delusional if he blames himself for this one.
Participantwoman, but eventually he will get tired of her antics just like all the other men in her life finally saw right through her and she will lose a great guy that deserves much better.
Participantdoing for years, unless you slip a hip or your pacemaker can’t keep up? Granny said that Grandpa and her, they "still got it on" (not her words of course) but you get the drift. Even in the 80’s and 90’s – it’s healthy and keeps one alive and vital – what kills little old folks is lack of connection, either spiritually, or physically. We "youngsters" think we invented a love-life, not true, a healthy, intimate relationship with the person you love is a great thing, and Kate and Stefano are in love, just the same as Maggie and Victor. Kudo’s to the old crowd for keeping their bones moving and a groovin’!
ParticipantMaybe Austin just has a good memory for coffee at least…I just hope he remembers that he is married to Carrie as much as Abby is inserting herself into his life. And you can’t tell me that Austin is being completely innocent about this…men know when a woman is flirting or has "intent" – of course we are speaking of Austin, he didn’t have clue about Sami, etc. after all.
Participantas those who will not see…"
Participantwho refuses to grow up! Sami will remain a forever-immature person. Already Maddison, her boss, read her the riot act for getting a massage, and not being at work and Sami comes back with…"Well, I was at the office for two whole hours, (and no one was there….)" Sami should have been given the axe by Madison right there. What boss would put up with that crappiola?
Participantthey were unwrapping the Christmas ornaments that last year they weren’t together then, yada, yada, yada…that was the reason they were decorating the tree early this year, not on Christmas Eve which was their normal time. I would have liked to see them decorate with the normal ornaments – then decorated the tree on Christmas Eve with the name-sake ornaments like they normally do (but I’ve only seen up to Monday’s episode so not sure what happened yet today)…
Participantbutt! The only reason she wants to "renew" her vows is because she can cry to Rafe, "…but, you said you’d love me for (better) or worse!" I so hope Will spills the beans to Rafe about Sami and EJ, right smack dab in the middle of "the renewal of vows" when the preacher says "does anyone here know any just cause that these two people should not be joined…speak now…" Say it loud Will!