Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThe Adrienne/Justin story was before my time. Bonnie was so ditzy! I learn so much about the show from you guysies!
ParticipantI am not a tea-totaller, I enjoy glass of wine or whisky or beer once in a great while. However, I have two dear friends that have been clean and sober for about 20 years now. I asked them about their alcohol problems once in a discussion – they said every single day, every minute, every second it is a struggle.
They also said many alcoholics not only drink, they get into drugs as well. I think this will be a really touchy subject for Maggie to be falling off the wagon if this is where they take the story.
Why can’t they just have her deal with her beloved hubby passing and be very tempted to drink but doesn’t – Lucas can pull her back from the brink at the last minute. There is so much drinking going on in our show (several of you have mentioned it recently as well). Mel is always at the Cheatin’ Heart – why is she in a bar if she’s too young?
This doesn’t bode well for the younger crowd that watches the show as they are under enough peer pressure as it is to drink.
Sobriety is nothing to take lightly or have the writer’s it treat like she can go back to being a drunk (not alcoholic because one you are one you always are) and not suffer any long term consequences.
If they do this story this way, I would hope that when they tie up the story; they will show the devastation and ruin that alcoholism wreaks.
If you want to go for the real ugly devastation; Maggie should meet up with Rafe’s sisters drug dealer and dapple with drugs (as it is sometimes in real life for that next high) – get really into the mud. Show her throwing up, show the real ugliness. Maybe Maggie should lose all – house, restaurant (Chez Rouge), end up at sleeping on the dock. I wasn’t watching back when Maggie was a drunk, years ago, but I’m sure t.v. didn’t make it ugly back then, but this is now, on t.v. they show kidnapping, murder, etc., so my take is, writer’s IF you are going to do this to Maggie – then do it "right" – show the ugliness.
ParticipantI don’t know – I must be twisted…I like Kate but then I’m a Stephano fan too. Yes, Kate is awful, yes, she’s greedy and gritchy – and probably all five of the other baddddd factors of the "(Snow White) and the 7 Dwarfs". And she could have handle her motherhood qualites (or lack thereof) with Austin, Phillip, Billie and Rex/Cassie – much better – she never mentions them, let alone sends them a Christmas card – (daddy – Roman doesn’t mention R/C either poor kids). I remember her way back with she was on the fishing trawler hacking up all those fish, Phillip being "stolen", her having to be a call-girl, etc., she’s got issues for sure but what would we do without a baddy or two on the show like Kate and Stephi? Borrrrrrring!
ParticipantJust curious on how many were on the "old" site…this is wonderful to have 200 folks to chat with about our show! I know there were so many of us "lurkers" and we are just so thrilled now to be able to join in with the group! This is a wonderful site – especially for someone like me – I’m recently retired and I check the site three or four times a day, just to keep up with the goings on – before and after watching the show. I love the way the spoilers are separated. Retirement days are busy and full; but this site is just one more thing to keep it that way, especially during the winter weather! Thanks so much – it was a perfect time for me, for you to expand the site!
ParticipantSomebody’s gotta say it! Good stuff!
December 13, 2009 at 2:59 am in reply to: Which Character(s) departure has been the saddest for 2009? #839253tdogs
ParticipantI reread the question and gave it some additional thought and the very saddest departure was the story of little Grace dying. I boo-hooed for a couple of days – she was precious – The very saddest scene was of Sami and Rafe in the hospital room. How heartbreaking.
ParticipantYes, Celeste! And now I remember her hats too! Ha-ha! Thanks
ParticipantI’m having a senior moment here…although, we haven’t seen much of Abe and Lexie lately, what was Lexie’s mother’s name? The clairvoyant lady? – I always thought she was a class act in her soft spoken voice. Most of her lines always started with "You know darling…"and her fashion style was much more over the top than Kate’s but some how she made it work for her – darn it – just can’t remember her name.
ParticipantYou, me and about a million or so other folks are addicted to "Days" – I’m still trying to figure out where the 300,000 folks went last week (was it Wednesday)? Did Wallymart have a big sale that day and I missed it – you’d have thought one of those folks would have said something?
Yes, we have all sat through some loo-loo’s of story lines over the years…I can’t say how many times I’ve said "this is it", or "I can’t watch anymore" but I’m still here too after all these years!
ParticipantWhen ever God closes one door, He opens another…I know that’s a difficult thing to accept in the dire straights you find yourself right now Jade – however, it’s true. I wish and hope and pray for you and your family during this difficult time. So many, many good people find themselves in this very circumstance in these tough times. I’m afraid though, the days are going to get worse before they get better. To everyone out there, try to get out of debt, pay off and don’t use any credit cards unless there is an honest to goodness really dire need. Save-save-save your money – especially do not go into debt for Christmas presents – (how many more nicknacks or I-Phones do we really need?) Then stock up on dry and canned goods and other non-perishables – toilet paper, soap, candles, (remember your pets too). One can still have a great Christmas with one’s family and friends. Play a board game, go to church, go for walks, volunteer at an old folks home, or winter coats drive for children. I know you asked for prayers and you have mine…these are just little things to do while waiting on the prayers to be answered.
God bless!
ParticipantWhile I applaud the issues and sentiments ~ Mr. Cosby does not according to Snopes
Participantbut it would have to be Mel. I absolutly dispised the girl – so ditzy and flighty (even being raised the way she was), however, now that they have softned her charactor without loosing her spunkiness and zest for life – I think that she has some redeeming qualities. And if she would quit waffeling between Phillip and Nathan – pick one and go for the long term (I vote for Phillip – in spite of the age difference) – those two could be a match made and sparked up!
December 12, 2009 at 3:01 pm in reply to: Which Character(s) departure has been the saddest for 2009? #834953tdogs
ParticipantWithout a doubt John and Marlena – Icons of the show – Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm – it’s still dark outside!
ParticipantAuntie Vivy being back is the best! If Ivan would show up for his "Madam" it would be the icing on the cake!
ParticipantWithout a doubt…I’d love Mr. "that’s a fact" John Black and Marlena back!