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ParticipantThink you got all of them! Good job! I hope we see Mrs. Horton’s living room with the Christmas tree!
December 10, 2009 at 5:54 pm in reply to: Just read As the World Turns has been cancelled too…. #828053tdogs
ParticipantI think you hit the nail on the head with # 2, all I’ve ever done in 19 years is tape and now DVR – but then I’m not in a Nielsen ratings family, you’d think though that there would be other ways for the networks to monitor, through their advertising, fan mail, etc.
There may be more women in the workforce since 1965, however in 2009, the economy and job numbers are wayyyyyy down over the last 12 months so more people are at home watching t.v. Plus there are retired women (and men) who watch the show – (there are lot’s of retired folks out there).
I have 134 t.v. channels to watch – still nothing on the "boob" tube
however, I still only watch/DVR just the shows that I like, just as a sports fan would watch or DVR mostly golf, racing, football, etc.
I so agree with you, all those games shows are cheaper to produce I’m sure. The same as the endless parade of "courtroom judges" fare and those babbling talk shows – all less expensive by far. However, I’d watch an actor put out their lines in a cardboard box if the storyline was good and the actor could carry it off.
I think those "expensive" actors and actresses (but for their union card) would gladly take a pay cut (as they have all waited tables, been in construction, etc. to make ends meet) just so they could practice their craft, given the economy and times we live. After all, in Rome, Greece and England they have just a play, stage, actors and the audience – and some of those era’s greatest plays, still done today are classics – it’s not the fur coats that Viv wears, or Kate’s jewlery, or Victor’s mansion, it’s the story line and actors that we fans want.
ParticipantWhy would Anna KO Nicole and take Sydney? Revenge on Stephano? For banishing Tony? That could be another 9 month wait to find out…
December 10, 2009 at 7:34 am in reply to: Just read As the World Turns has been cancelled too…. #826353tdogs
ParticipantI’ve only ever watched "Days" so I’m not sure what the other soaps are like – although, several friends who watch other shows say that they are good too.
I’m wondering what the reason is for the end of the era of soaps – especially when it seems from "Salem Place" and other sites that there are a lot of die hard fans like me out there.
For instance, I love books, especially serial books where the characters develop in each book; I think this is the reason I love "Days" – you grow to love a story (or hate it sometimes) that never ends, you get to know the quirks of the characters, eventually, you are hooked and can’t stand to miss a episode.
If you think about it a lot of the shows on TV are in essence "soaps", i.e., from dramas like "House", "Bones", Law and Order, to comedies like "Fraiser", "Every One Loves Raymond" (I can’t think of any new comedies at the moment)…but it’s the same premise knowing the actors, their history, as the basic story line unfolds. I sure hope that "Days" stays!
ParticipantI’d be right the boo-hoo-hooing with ya Bonbon…my 20th year of watching is coming up this June 28, 2010 – (I
know a lot of people that have watched a lot longer than that!)…I couldn’t imagine a day without "Days". Thank
goodness for DVR’s or I’d never go anywhere between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. M-F. I know I FF’d a lot sometimes
but still loyal after all these years – I think that all of us should start a letter writing campaign now to NBC to let
TPTB know how much we love our dear ol’ soap – an ounce of prevention as they say…
I’ve said that for years! Everyone in Salem is living off someone else either on a trust fund or generosity.
Hope – has a seemingly endless trust fund. How is Lucas going to pay for that great big house he had built for Chole and his daughter? Brady – living off the Tuscano/Victor (can’t spell Kiriakis) empire, as does Phillip (he may have a job but he’s never in his office anymore and when he was he was usually chasing someone around the desk). Sami is living off the Black foundation – what was the last job she had? Now Melanie was living off European men, guess the money hasn’t run out since she has a nice wardrobe and can afford nursing school – (wasn’t Carley rich before becoming a doctor). Mia – is living off Maggie. Where is Maggie getting her money – (if like the spoilers said about Mickey). Kate was a waitress in the "poor" working section of town before she married Victor’s money and became an fashion mogel and then married even richer. Then there’s Nicole – porn queen (I guess business was good), then she followed in Kate’s footsteps and married well. Even Vivy – remember how poor she was? Viv and Ivan had to win 1.6 million (if memory serves) to make it out of the "crummy" little two room apartment before they left.
ParticipantChildren are a convience in Salem – all fun and games for while they are cute – (look out Sydney) but I suspect we will see Johnnie and Allie trotted out once or twice over the next three or four years until they all of a sudden come back all of a sudden as bratty teens (probably living upstairs with a nameless nanny would do that)…then after a couple of years as teens they will be college prep material – do their four years – and come out as doctors or lawyers or race car drivers that work into hospital administrator positions.
ParticipantI remember when Viv stole "Phillip" from Kate! Those were the good ol’ Days when they had scripts like this…Vivi sure lights up Salem…I think it would be funny to have Carley walking by a graveyard and have Viv step out from behind a tree and go "Boo!"
December 5, 2009 at 3:08 am in reply to: I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m absolutely blown away by….. #810753tdogs
ParticipantThose are darling little babies, maybe they keep the kid’s chewing on stuff to keep them quiet or they are
teething? One thing I was hoping for during all the adults arguing, crying, threatening each other, that when the
baby is in the crib, playpen or stroller that the actor or actress is only doing their scenes to an empty playpen and
then the camera cuts to the smiling Sydney ~ I would think the Salem folks would scar the children for life with all
the strife and angst!
ParticipantWhen Bo and Hope moved to Mockingbird Lane – wasn’t that Jack and Jen’s old house all jazzed up? It sure looked like it…maybe they were having budget cuts wayyyyyyyyyyyy back then too!
ParticipantAnd just to mention a little tid bit of how Hope is being like now ~ what about all those times that Bo and Hope were separated by horrendous odds and scripts, i.e., the cruise, acid pit, Princess Gina, Stephano, Patrick Lockhart, Billie, the baby switch, Zack’s death, Larry, Andre and on and on and on…however, when Bo and Hope always, always, always came back together – and they always promised each other that they would never be seperated or not be understanding of each other again??? So why is Hope all of a sudden treating Bo like he has rabies? Plllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzz! This is not how one treats the love of one’s life!
ParticipantWhile I hate to bring this up (because where I come from we say Merry Christmas! not happy holidays)… I
believe we fans are going to be seeing a lot less holiday cheer because it’s just not PC in these Days (pun
intended) in the main stream media unless they celebrate all the different holidays – and with the budget and
cutbacks – I just don’t think the network will put out the dollars for all of the various holidays so it is more
advantegeous for them to skip Christmas (and other holidays) all together – if they do mention it at all; it will be
just in passing, just like Thanksgiving and the 4th is. It’s really too bad that it’s this way now-a-Days; because we
could all use a bit of joy and holiday cheer! Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!
ParticipantYou nailed Brady right on the head! Not to mention Nicole trying to "fry" Victor with the toaster (or was it a radio) in the bathtub…and a whole lot of other stuff that she’s done over the years. So what she’s had a badddddd childhood, get over it Nicky, buck up and change if it’s not too late. Of course, we do have to have someone to rant and rave and throw pillows at the t.v. Now that Sami is a Miss Goodytwoshoes, (remember how bad she used to be), Melanie is too young to take Nicole’s place as number one bad girl just yet (although Sami did start out at about 15 or so). Kate and Vivy are fun to watch most times but they can get a bit predictable. Give it up Brady – Nicole is irredeemable.
ParticipantHa ~ so true! Samantha Gene was one spitfire growing up…and just seems to have settled down in the last year or so. And…what about all the men…my old brain can’t even remember all the guys that she’s been "in love with", or "he’s the one" or "engaged to" or even married to. Lucas, EJ, Brandon, Austin, Franco, Rafe…to name a "few"
ParticipantCan you imagine the Emails and telephone calls that NBC would get from all of us if they didn’t renew DOOL? I know it all has to do with ratings but still, after 19 years I can’t imagine my life without a "Day" in it.