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Participantmilitary base hospital inside was a green or pale green interior…at least back in the day…
Participantwe the fans can look up on the internet if they (the show) can’t afford an expert on staff for the shows continuty.
Participantcannot be rewired or rechipped or re-what-ever…then and only then will a "new" one be handed out to the customers. Even if the exterior that comes in a box and is all nice and shiney…the interior is used.
Participant"redone" (or whatever the technical term is), the companies don’t give out new ones too often. And my take, is, like most or all computerized things now days – they were not made in the good ol’ USA.
Participantof her at Christmas, and other occasions, but not grieving still because Alice had a long and full life. I cannot see Hope getting ever past the death of Zack, but I can see her moving on in her life with fond, loved and cherished memories of him, and I see the total opposite of Hope getting past loosing her child in such a violent and unexpected way – Hope and Bo rarely mention their children, or grandchild – I think they moved way past grieving forever for Zack. Bo and Hope’s "beloved" children are an after thought as all children are in DOOL – they are conveniences to the story line until they become young adults like Mel, Chelsa, Abby, Chad, etc. otherwise, the small kids are just brought out as furniture.
Look how great Sydney’s story line was from the time she was a baby until after she was kidnapped, now Sami and EJ just spout platitudes about how much they love their children, but most of the time the kids are upstairs in the attic at the Pub. After they are shot at, kidnapped, run away, etc. DOOL does believe in the old adage of "children (not) being seen or heard…"
Participantcomputerized are going to get gremlins and glitches in them at times causing us to gritch! But the cable and sat. companies will bring out a new one for you. Just tell them you want it sooner than soon so you don’t have to wait for them for four or five days.
ParticipantJohn would ride one too…(and Bo needs to get back on his!). Not Jack or EJ though…Vespa’s maybe…LOL!
Participantoff) during my Harly riding days…but I’ve never seen Kate on a Harley.
Participantfor the situation that they are in – it’s like they are all on the fashion run-way. What kills me is they (actors) at the Horton Place (or whatever new set is called) and they are freezing (and we’ve had this discussion before where it’s suppose to be "inside"), but they are wearing short sleeves, backless, and others are wearing coats, scarves, gloves and boots for snow! Silly and distracting from the dialog of the show.
Participantgo without just a little taste of chocolate
(one of my major food groups in my food pyramid), at about 2:00 p.m. every day! I’d be jonesing big time.
Participantproducer came up with. People go to college for this kind of stuff (in art/fashion). There is a lot of thought and even science given with color on sets as it comes across the t.v. screen. Look at the big news broadcast anchors – even their background news set match the color of their eyes to make them "pop" to appear more blue. Even down to the color of their ties and shirts that they wear. And to think old Uncle Walter was in just B&W, plain black tie with a white shirt and we all trusted what he said every night in our living rooms across the country.
ParticipantI hope they have long and rewarding acting careers. I’m just not into the show’s coming story line for them at all, no matter if they were great actors like Laurence Olivier, Jack Nicholson and Meryl Streep all rolled into one with their acting ablities, just will not watch this.
Participantwere pulling the ham by their teeth in Survivor and spitting it out and then Jeff said the winners could take all the left over (spit out) ham to eat…and they did! I about lost it! Makes a great diet show for me though…can’t even think of eating.
Participantto where it dominates over all the other story lines, after 20 plus years I will be giving up on DOOL.