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Participantwho went into DeMansion. It Sami was the one who knelt down to hug and comfort EJ…I haven’t seen the remainder of Friday’s show, (nor Monday’s yet), but looks to me like Sami was instigator so far…And unless I see otherwise, I’m blaming Sami, not EJ, (even though I should wait). But Sami will never-ever get a pass from me ever again after this one, no matter who actually started the you-know-what…
Participantcoffee maker in the house, And not much a coffee drinker per say…as I sit here and drink my second perfect cup of Earl Grey…but I am learning to like a really good cup of coffee and with all these tips, I’m going to have to try them all for sure! Either that or go broke at Starbucks! LOL!
ParticipantSunday for sure, all my DVR had was IRT, The Good Wife, Hell on Wheels, and NICS (Next Iron Chef), it usually whirls and beeps for about six hours on a Sunday night two shows every hour from 6:00 p.m. to 11ish.
And you are correct, there are so many award shows, wait there are more coming in the spring, the one I haven’t seen in years and years is the Academy Awards, (quit watching movies for the most part). I did see a really good one BonBon, "A Dog Named Christmas" on Hallmark last night – it was good. (Yes, that’s my speed of movie now- no violence, cussing, hot-under-the-sheets-etc), just a nice little family story. You’ll never see those on the Academy Awards…
Participanttruly comming to an end….Alice? I hope not. This is not nice to do to her memory – if they take this sleezy road. I am a big Stefano fan in his own right as the bad guy, but to sully Alice’s name. NO!
Participantthanks for the tip DeeLan!
ParticipantYes, I’ve tried bottle water although my water company says our water here is purer than bottled…and yes, I do always use cold water, but I think the temp. is suppose to get to 200 degrees in the coffee maker, (per Starbucks and Mr. Peets, etc.,) – and they always try and get me to purchase their coffee when I ask what their secret is to a good cup of joe – and I have purchased their products for home too. Alas – still bitter tasting when I make at home LOL ~ I may have to get a job and become a barista (sp?) there to learn their secrets – goodness knows I couldn’t ever afford their $2000 (or whatever) machines that they have, I certainly hope that their coffee machine is not the secret of their non-bitter tasting coffee! Or else it’s back to my Earl Grey all the time…
Participantthe-top stuff because they and the director’s know we (all fans) will be chatting about our characters and how they did this or that, if we didn’t, then no one would watch or care…Shakespeare’s writing is almost 400 years old and people still talk about his plots and writing. Granted Day’s isn’t the caliber of Shakespeare, not by a long shot but we have the same passion about our characters on the show. We shed tears, we smile, we gritch and moan, (count me very guilty here), about the writing and what our characters do and say, but I’d say if a show can bring me back every day for twenty years, they denifitely are doing something right.
Participantthey finally got their SL in place…boy, they fooled all of us! I’m not liking the Johnny, John or Jennifer/Jack story lines at all…there have been worse in the past, but not by much!
Participantagain Bonbon! LOL! I swear one actually goes "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm – mmmmmmmm – good!" like the ol’ Campbell’s soup commercial when she’s got her nose buried at the bottom of the bowl eating; and then the other one just doesn’t even taste it, she just inhales her food. But they both look at me if I don’t add a small piece of chicken, ham, steak, bacon, egg, etc. – whatever I’m having for dinner, in the bottom of their bowls, like "IS this all there is Mom – just kibble again?!" I have friends who their doggie will not eat their kibble until after they go to bed…she will not eat in front of them, not the kibble anyway.
Participantshow) now that explains it all, this kid is a "rapper". A wanna-be with the irreverent, soooooo bad "gangster" boy attitude and personalty- he thinks this image will make a bigger record contract, more money, (and he probably will for three years of his record deal), but who’s really going to remember this thuggy kid in 20 years? He won’t go down in the annals of musical history as a great singer. Nothing new to see here at all.
Participantin what was going to happen next and then it was din-din time for the pups (poor, poor starving doggies had to wait for DOOL to be over) and the dryer was buzzing.
Participantgig writing for DOOL? Much better stuff by far…
Participantthings that have been written before…And maybe EJ just like "make-up" sex?
Participantsome where else in Africa too…didn’t she wake up looking through a lattice-work window – and it looked like a harem type atmosphere.
Participantplastic bag on their computer desk? Why the h-e- double toothpicks did the cops, i.e, Roman leave even a small tiny potential piece of evidence of a kidnapping/murder with a parent? Doesn’t matter if they had the entire shirt, evidence is evidence is evidence…this stuff they do on this show just drives me up the wall!