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Participantto be careful for what we wish for because we just may get it….I love John and Marlena, always have always will, but am NOT liking the way they are being portrayed in the script right now. Same with Carrie and Austin, (well, after the Eden fiasco – I could take or leave Austin).
I love the old characters because I know their history, they’ve been in my living room every day for over twenty years now, be they the bad guys like Stef and EJ or the good guys like Austin and my beloved John, I just "wish" the new writers would get a clue as to who these characters really are…I when I Gritch and moan and cry and carry on about the show’s SL’s I am not venting at the actors, I’m venting at what is being done to my beloved characters by the writers. (bigger font due to my eyesight even with my glasses – sorry folks).
Participantall the crappiola even through JER and the other stuff we endured fans anyway…THIS is just toooooooo much to accept. I "tape" on DVR at 4:00 a.m. from Soapnet (so a day behind) was watching last night and thinking to myself (while Sami was screaming and carrying on) – just how many times am I going to watch this character do this scream/rant/rave thing? It’s not ASweeney’s fault, she just does what the writers write and the director directs her to do…
ParticipantJohn. John has always (except for when he was flat on his back from being shot or something), been in control and in charge, he doesn’t need a mother, he needs Marlena to back off – be his helpmate and mate, not a hovering, cooing, whatever she’s turned into. And Marlena knows it, she’s always stood beside John, not held his hand like he is a child.
Participantisn’t sleeping with either of them, I’d be afraid to call the one I’m with the other ones name in a moment of not thinking clearly. Men have such super huge ego’s anyway, I cannot for the life of me see a guy "sharing" "his" woman with another guy…never have known a guy like that in my entire life. I think some of the writer’s writing this story aren’t "manly-men" more like "girly-men"…what man on God’s green earth shares a woman in any way shape or form? This SL is such a bust and borders on Twilight Zone material…just not going to happen in real life. Third grade boys fight over girls, and they "grow" up from there…like I said, just not going to happen.
Participantsince what? The nightmare wedding from hell with Kate? I’d love for Billie and Roman to get together. But then she would be with both da’ brothers…that is kinda icky when I think of it…so I won’t think of it…
ParticipantI would have) been overly obsessive and fussy over John. I know she loves him, but if they’d (the writers on the show) kept them locked up in the apartment just one more day with her cooooooooing and babying this big strong guy, I would have had to FF’d them (and let me stress here – I am so happy they are back on the show) just not this way…can’t wait for the trial to be over. I thought it was going to come down to her mashing his peas and carrots for him!
Agreed! Surely Marlena has to be concerned as a grandmother over her grandchild missing and her children and grandchildren going through that shooting…if not on a personal level, then on at least a professional level.
Participantas they don’t make Jack a baffoon or crazy. Dr. Surfer Dude is on his own – let Chloe come back.
Participantbut now she’s really "Iffy" for me to watch her. A year or longer now, it was always the same (and still is), she rants and raves about something and then she keeps repeating the same behavior instead of taking a more positive attack on what is "bugging" her…I had to turn off the entire show for three months this past spring because I couldn’t stand it anymore and she was in practically every scene then so I couldn’t just FF’d through.
Sami has Marlena as a mother and Marlena has never seen how Sami really is even though Marlena has berated her behavior, but she has never recommended her for a psychiatric evaluation based on her (Sami’s) aggressive and destructive behavior – high time Marlena did. If not for Sami’s sake, then for her children, destructive behavior like hers hurts children in the long run. Kids are smart they can see it too – look at what they are going to do to Will – in his SL based on the spoilers.
Participantwhy in d’hell (Roman) would the police let all the almost victims be just standing around in the open after M14 full mental jacket bullets are whizzing by their ears two minutes before-hand? They would hustle them out to some safe area…oh, wait, I forgot, this IS the Salem "Keystone" cops.
ParticipantNicole. However, if we look at the very long list of "true love" in Salem…we could be looking for a very lonnnnng time. It’s better when looking for the true love in Salem, (besides Tom and Alice, and Maggie and Mickey, Marlena and John, Bo and Hope) to say that most of the Salemites all adhere to the policy of the old song from Crosby, Still, "….Love the one you’re with…" for now. Some of the folks in Salem have had more "true loves" than all of us reading these posts put together I’d wager!
That’s even coming true now, I think with other people that we thought had "true love" – Rafe (not counting Sami because she is the leader on the list of "true love"), Carrie, (Austin besides Mike was "IT" for her)…and now look at the looks and smiles she’s been giving to Rafe. Unless the writers’s are playing us all….
Participant"grim" – from what I’ve read, the show isn’t of the caliber of OUAT, too bad…I haven’t watched yet, but was planning to see the past episodes, even if they were a bit gory and scary.
Participantreality of Salem than I want to imagine! It’s only a matter of time, Fast Forward three years and the kid will be tenish or so…
Participant"A" student in high school, Jr. and Sr. class president, very smart kid. The second he graduated from h.s., he became a permanent bum. My parents didn’t raise him that way at all. My mother kowtowed and enabled him all his life because she thought the same thing, that he’d end up in jail, he did a few times, homeless – until she tracked him down and paid for several apartments to put a roof over his head. He got into all the bad stuff and married a woman just like him. At the time, my mother encouraged him to get married as that would set him "on the right path"…even though I kept telling her to let him sink or swim. Three kids later, that were "raised" by these people, I’m sure that the cycle has perpetuated itself. I don’t know, I haven’t had any contact other than what I’ve heard.
I cut my brother off out of my life when he was 28, after ten years, I figured he would always be that way. My Mother took him by the hand until she passed away at 83. A friend told me they read in the paper, that he’d passed away this past March, at 54 years old. Could I have changed him? No. No matter what. Leopards cannot change their spots. People are who they are, if they change, it will be them who changes themselves. Do I regret my actions? No. I don’t want to know people like that on the street, why would I want to know someone that has so much potential in life that intentionally throws it away just because they are in my blood line? It would be like trying to make EJ into a Saint, "ain’t" gonna happen.
Participantcarry a grudge for 15 years like Sami has? Give us something new writers…