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  • in reply to: Matt Ashford Today #28381

    (J&M) have been doing almost since the moment of their return, I’d be needing some therapy too!  I was almost cheering when Carrie said the trial would be soon.  At least then they (J&M) and we will be seeing them in a different venue and setting.  I feel like, although, the show has returned my all time favorites (thank you VERY much from the bottom of my heart DOOL), that the writers have pinned and stuck Marlena and John like a collection of butterflies in a box being in their living room since their return – not cool to do to major players in the show. 

    in reply to: Just read an article about Hans #28378

    him a while back on "the Pub" – The man has courage and great strength to go through all of that, God’s blessings to him. 

    in reply to: what does Victor know? #28375

    let go, killed off, kidnapped, move to Switzerland, locked in a cave, etc. – you know the usual things that happen, even just for a a little while, or does this stuff just happen in Salem???  LOL!

    in reply to: what does Victor know? #28373

    What a hoot she was…that would cause Stefano embarassment and I wonder if EJ (being as "sophisticated" as he is), would be at odds with his feelings for his mother and hold true to his prim and proper decorum.  Not to mention if they threw the twist in there about Kristen, (I actually could go for an updating of that story line…those were the "days").  Talk about bringing back the entire gang of old Salem! 

    A refresher for those of you with memories like mine:

    in reply to: Matt Ashford Today #28372

    be a distraction for her with all the troubles with John.  The Salemites have needed Marlena back and working at her craft for a long time now as they’ve all pretty much gone off their cracker at one time or another lately.   And with Marlena not being with John every second of every day, it may give John the time to clear his name sans ankle bracelet, like he did on Halloween. 

    in reply to: Really Liking Bo and Hope #28367

    kinda romance at one time?  I agree, Roman’s been without a romance for a very long time.  Billie would be great for him. 

    in reply to: Really Liking Bo and Hope #28359

    coming back as Billie, (just as long as it doesn’t cause chaos for B&H)!   I can see needing new characters for new bloodlines as, let’s face it here, if there are any more crossovers in the families in Salem, in a few years there is to going to be some troubles in the gene pool. 

    However, that being said, I like that there is a history of the returning characters, (J&M should have never been let go!!!) especially when the characters are beloved by one and all such as John and Marlena. 

    I have no vested interested in some of the new people, I didn’t give a flip about Melanie for about a year and a half, same with Chad, when they first came on the scene, but now I do, even though Mel can still be annoying to me. 

    EJ, I loved and he could do no wrong with me, (as much as he did wrong), but that has change quite a bit too.  Jan and Kinsey drove me up the wall, never, ever, never would grow on me.  Rafe is OK and a good guy like John, but Sami’s had so many guys, I think he’s just one more in a long line of Samantha guys.

    Still very lukewarm about Daniel after all this time, all I see is Surfer Doc, even with this Jennifer/Jack triangle.  I’d love for them to bring back ShawnD and Belle to complete a missing piece of Salem.  Kate, Stefano, Victor, Maggie, Abe, Lexie, Nicole, Sami, etc., are the glue that holds Salem to my t.v. screen. 

    I hate triangles, although, I (IHO), think that Bo and Hope and Billie triangle was one of the best ever with Princess Gina thrown in…but that was a long time ago and does not need to be repeated Can you hear me now writers?

    in reply to: Bo’s story #28347

    ghostly story, some of those kids are gonna have nightmares!  Everyone looked wonderful in their Halloween get-up, no homemade costumes there I’d say…all from the costume store, Salem just has everything handy! 

    in reply to: How many marriages #28345

    be" enough already.

    in reply to: Ali Sweeney’s Acting …. #28323

    ladder in this day and age, not to mention this economy…Sami should really thank Rafe for being such a great step-father and taking care of her children, especially if she plans on keeping up this pace and keeping the job career path she is on.

    in reply to: Okay, so who’s the baby ???? #28321


    in reply to: Really Liking Bo and Hope #28320

    right track again.  They were made for each other and work so well together, I hope (not likely though) that the show will never break them up, throw them in a triangle, kidnap, change their memories or personalities, etc., etc., ever again – just leave them alone and let us enjoy their story together.

    in reply to: The unknown baby photo #28319

    they ever changed the show’s history <extreme sarcasm to the max with much eye rolling>…

    in reply to: Clothes #28286

    silly the bow looked or how Nicole’s color was not in that orange shirt she wore a few weeks back…I would think it would be awsome to have any of their looks and style in my closet…As it is right now sitting in my comfy’s – i.e.,  mismatched pj’s and slouchy socks I look like a reject from clown circus – but then I’m home, no one is coming over and I’m not going out – When I do go out I dress but I still would like to have the ladies on the show’s style and fashion coordinator.

    in reply to: Who’s Your Bio-Daddy?? #28280

    Salem is in the same gene pool (at one time or another)…I usually balk at new characters coming in, but at least it makes the pool a little deeper.  Except, most of the new folks that end up in Salem are related to Salemites in some fashion and with there only being four families, (basically), Kireakis (sp), DiMeras, Hortons and Bradys…I can see in a coulple of generations some issues perhaps…   Relatively speaking.

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