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ParticipantI could ever see also and he may not be retiring but at 81ish he could be thinking about it – was just speculating on the matter. I was thinking IF EJ is John’s having DeMeira (sp) blood…then EJ being raised by Stefano, could be the new baddie in charge. I can see him being at odds with JB and those two "duking" it out with John being sorrowful at his son being bad. And we all know just how bad EJ can be. Would be a really interesting take on the premise Stefano’s raising of EJ or will John’s goodness have a cause and effect on EJ’s personality?
Participantbut come on – she is my age – only in tinsel-town do women look like that with some of the stuff Kate, the character, wears. Whether you are younger or older you should always go with "C-L-A-S-S"; not the latest fashion or chase after the 14 year old children’s styles. It is not becoming to a lady….oh, wait, I forgot Kate is no lady. LOL!
ParticipantI thought the "new blood" was all the folks that they are killing off in the explosion. There have been several of the characters written in and then written out just as quickly…I see you guysies commenting on characters I’ve never heard of over the last few months and then "poof" they are gone from the show. I think they would "rough" HTS up a bit (knock over a few trees, lights, tables) and then the next time they use the square (probably the next day) – it will look pristine again.
Participantcontinuous as in all news. News is live feed – immediately. Not just because different time zone – preempted.
Participantme and all my old lady friends (I know "gramma"-tically incorrect) are all in love with Sheldon, Leonard and the boys.
ParticipantNo victimization! (Except for children, old folks, and disabled who cannot fend for themselves and are hurt or wronged).
Sami is a permanent victim and loves being one – (as written by the writers) – I’d have a whole lot more "respect" for her character if the writers would quit making her "oh poor woe is meeeee (again) – I’m getting revenge…"
Participantconstruction field is in the USA is now-a-days. He has a family to feed…he’s just glad to have a pay check and doesn’t care how often his character gets s_r_wed.
As for as the EJ/Sami thing…same with the writers they are going to keep EJ&S together forever – along with a whole lot of other people in the mix too. Save this post and wait – in, three months or three years – if DOOL makes it that long – see if they aren’t doing the same thing – yet again and several other times for that matter. Einstein was correct.
Participant58 (JB) – 37 (EJ) = 21 so JB could be EJ’s father…(as we all know John didn’t know what d’ell was going on in his previous lives – so he could be). ICK!
Agreed! Daniel is a male slutter. Nicole was a paid one and has flopped on the bed for a lotta guy since then…
You know the Phoenix always – Always – always rises…(even if JM officially put in his retirement papers – they could always change actors)…
Glad you came back BSR!!! MISSED ya!!!!
Participantlive t.v. news for national and international Casey – no matter what the time zone. I’m as far west in the continental USA as one can almost go in the lower 48 (or more as some may count) and when news breaks in your area of the country we see the same happenings around the country – (I don’t think that Hawaii and Alaska are much different either), with satellites – that is the technology in place for many years now. You may be able to watch on your computer on the entire show of DOOL on if you have that capability with your Internet provider and given computer. I have friends in Guam and Australia and they see live t.v. news feeds as they happen as well.
Participanthas had for a very long time, if not, for her entire life. Samantha Gene ‘Sami’ Brady Hernandez, Reed, Walker, Roberts, and DiMera is permanently little girl lost" and desperately searching to feel like she is worthy of love. Perhaps stemming from being without her parents when she was younger. I’m no psychiatrist here but you have to wonder why a woman of her age has had so many men in her life and yet, every single relationship has failed. Franco, Lucas, Brandon, Rafe, EJ, Austin, – did I miss anyone? Yes, some were not directly her fault, but getting involved with a DeMira? Come on – that’s a disaster that should have smacked her right in the face (and almost did). If you are going to marry a devil, you cannot expect heaven.
Sami is still not a happy person. No one can make you happy – you have to start out happy with oneself, knowing one can stand and count on yourself – Sami expects people to make her happy. Therefore, she will never be happy.
Participantmusic business – not usually in front of the camera – producing and directing.
ParticipantSo agree with you and Bon – site is fun to read with all the comments – maybe someone will start a thread who is going to watch the Olympics? Go USA!
Participantratings and followings and then all the other stations copy it (with variations there-of) and then they peter out. I’m thinking these show formats run in cycles also. There were tons of comedies for a while, then police dramas up the wazooooooo, the lawyer shows. The variety shows genre used to be really big for decades…now with AI they have returned. Hope a really good western or two makes a come back as well. Or a good Twilight Zone rehash…wait ten years folks if you like the singing and dancing shows – they’ll be back…like bell-bottoms and platforms shoes (Oh pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze not those)…
Participant……….Nicole is no saint given all her history.
ParticipantI mean…musical partners all of them. Constantly.