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Participanttogether on the show…for some reason it makes it more realistic to me. When did they start dating? Just curious. I’m not as invested in Abby so she could find someone new. And you know they never keep couples together for long in a soap anyway.
And speaking of couples…Writer’s hear me now: Never, ever, never tear apart Bo and Hope or J&M or Mag and Vic again, I mean it writers…they are great as couples and should stay together always – you can send them into dire straights and all kinds of adventures all you want but they stay together do you hear me? Forever!
If you writers feel the need to tear couples apart for a story line then make it Jack, Jenn, Daniel, EJ, Nicole, Abby, Mel, Chad, this new Maddison when she hooks up with someone in the show, (i.e. Brady), etc. Even Stefano and Katie and Sami and Rafe having a short falling out would be interesting. They can all play musical beds, (a-hem excuse me "chairs" – I really meant to say "chairs"…No, really, I did!)
Participant"kill" to look as young as she does…think you’re correct Austin has not aged "gracefully"…but then in away, that might help him in the acting dept. as there is always a call for good lookin’ middle age men – if he’d just lose the punked out hair style, I’d be fine watching him, his hairstyle is just distracting when he’s on.
October 14, 2011 at 12:32 am in reply to: Did anyone notice voice of the interviewer with the British accent? #2758453tdogs
ParticipantLOL! LOL! LOL! No wonder he was always grumpy and surly…
Participantfit boy (Ozzy) gives him credit for…what a coup de tat for the little guy to pull off! And even better if next time he takes down macho man…I love "UnderDog" !
Participanticked me out
so much I couldn’t watch the show…and this is coming from someone who has had a lot of strange things to eat in real life, frogs legs, Rocky Mountain oysters, haggis, chocolate covered ants, etc., etc. But they were cleaned and cooked and not just dumped like swill in a plastic container where you had to eat the gross stuff along with the particular item…yeeeeeeeeeeeech!
ParticipantJim also lives his life as a Christian too – best movie ever on the life of Jesus. Jim is a very good actor. I hope Jim has some pull with The Man upstairs and the show is very successful. The premise of "Person of Interest" is a really interesting concept…and when ya think of all our information being "out there" it doesn’t seem so far fetched.
Participantreally natural on her…but then all these gals, (most of them I’ve read) have some kind of hair enhancement for the hair style to look fuller and perfectly coiffed all the time.
Participantbehind by the time I DVR it at 4:00 a.m. – I’m just now watching Kate and Maddison go at it in the pub. Good scene. I was hoping for no boring shows since I’ve just come back to the show after three months. Guess it can’t be all good all the time…
Participantplot line (which is where they are starting to go now – Good). Expensive show to produce I’m sure with the special effects. But then I am a Trekkie, a "V", and a "Terminator" fan…anything science fiction is cool to me, that’s why I was so PO’d that they terminated NASA – the real thing!
Participantever explained Fishers physical issues, (at least not yet), just that he is a gazillionaire. Love Jim Cavizel.
Participantrecommendation from a very close friend watch the last season and actually liked it….but this year…predictable and boring….AND last’s nights challenge was a gag/hurl fest…that was a gross thing! Very gross. Most shows do well for a time as the public likes the latest and greatest, (I liken the American public and some of our entertainment mores to the crowds of Rome at the coliseum with the lions…then the next thing when the crowds got bored add the people to be devoured by the lions. How else do we explain "Snooky" and some of the other things on t.v.?
Participantman-whore of late, "so in love with Taylor" and now trying to get Nicole back in his life…but I think that maybe just because he needs a woman on his arm for his public personna for running for office, (like so many politicians have done).
As much as I like Nicole, her life is an open book, there’s is not going to be away to hide her past. It’s not like she is a good role model for a politician’s wife (even IF that politician is the devil EJ himself (said with love)). I mean he is like one of these real Chicago politicians of today’s headlines in his swarminess…who would in their right mind vote for EJ, no matter how much money he throws at the Salemites to "improve" their lives? And Nicole, no matter how much she doth protest, she will come around in a heart beat for the money and life-style that EJ can give her.
Participanthead like a boa constrictor…Never noticed with J&M – just figured it was a little more awkward as it had been two years since they have had the hot scenes together.
Participantdoesn’t it appear much smaller too?