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Participantmy poochies and are walking with them??? Maggie just sits down and you’d better pick her up because she’s going to grow moss on her if I don’t. I guess it happens to all of us in our "old age" the anticipation of a long walk is neat, but the doing is a chore…and I just can’t carry Maggie who is 25 lb 13 year old Cocker Spaniel too far with my own old knees and back…at least in my new home there are paver or concrete walk ways meandering throught the back yard and on the sides of the house, so if I walk those with the "old girly" in tow, three or four times – then she (and I get some excersise there). My Border Collie girl is 11ish (not sure – I’ve had her 8 years as a rescue) and her hips are getting bad for jumping up on "ottoman" no matter how much glucosime (sp)…but the neighborhood I moved to has a beautiful park with nice trails and she’s loving that…even if we just traverse if just for a few minutes and then walk the one block home. Think the smells and being out on a leash walking is like a doggie amusement park for her.
Participantwhat you said…so true! So very true! I can’t even begin to name all the great t.v. shows, Gunsmoke, the Honeymooners, Twilight Zone, Jack Benny,
1950’s Shows
Participanther back and made her a villan by throwing her with Bo…she was a good actress. Speaking of Mel, I know I’ve only been watching a few days after my self imposed hiatus of the past three months but I’ve only seen a smidgen of her – before she was dominating the show in every scene…is she no more a golden child of the show on her way out or just on the back burner for now?
Participantthen the strange organ music? I LOVE it!
Participantoutta my mind in the sixties??? That and "Sugar’Sugar’…..I’d rather remember Innagadavida… – teehee….
Participantolder and getting thin…was thin and good figure in my younger days, now all my friends and I just look at a pizza and gain five lbs! (And not to mention the heart burn)! And with our knees and backs we’re walking on the treadmills, no more jogging…LOL! I’d love to know what diet these folks are on – besides the bunny food that the rest of us eat to just maintain…I think you are right, the shorter hair styles look so much better on the men. Times and styles change, I know Adrienne looks good with her haircut now. Even Sami got her long goldy locks shorn and changed.
October 8, 2011 at 7:40 pm in reply to: I’m a little confused, so maybe someone can clarify…. #2731453tdogs
Participantand identities, wasn’t he also an Alemain if memory serves too?
ParticipantSami qualified for anything like that? She hasn’t worked in years! And was a poor employee when she did have a job. Sami would make an excellent computer hacker though…lot’s of experience in that line…haha. AND when did Sami become "good friends" with Madison, I’ve been watching for the last 20 years (with the exception of my last three month boycott), I never saw or heard of this Madison before, so how did that happen? They poured water on themselves with instant "good friendship" dust? PLlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleazzzze. I promised myself I’d give Sami a chance (as she used to be one of my favs), and since every one else on the show seems to have a better plot line, good dialog, and is interesting to watch and the show brought back my favorites…I am happy…but with seeing Sami still be frenetic and off the wall, I may have to FF’d her still. Please writer’s you have done so well with everything else, please make Sami grow up…I promise I won’t gritch for a year if you do that!
Participantdunned and dumbed down by flashing boobies, cussing (even on cooking shows!), glorifying what used to be sins….and Madonna isn’t even cutting edge anymore, someone’s out grossed her now…I cannot say, being the old foggie that I am, "now, that’s entertainment".
So much of what passes for entertainment and amusement reminds me of the fall of the Roman Empire…which is where I think we’re headed…children don’t respect elders, are allowed to run willy-nilly in the streets (told you I was an old foggie)…I guess every generation of parents has said that from the flappers in the 20’s to the rockin’ roll in the 50’s but it just seems like we, as a society and a country have come apart at the seams, instead of pulling together as a great people and country any more. Maybe we just notice it more because of the instant communication that we have today, before a parent had to write a letter that took six days to reach grandma saying "Oh boy, that Johnny is in trouble for the music or the close dancing he did with MarySue at the sock hop"…now Johnny’s picture of his pants hanging below his butt and the "dancing" (as they call it – that looks more like the procreation act) is splashed in a nano-second on YouTube and the like.
Participantgracefully as some of the other actors. John (Drake) just had his 58th birthday last week – and I think he looks great, although like some of you have mentioned, too thin…but then this could be a Hollywood thing. They haven’t had a "real" looking person on the show since "Nancy" "Chloe’s mom"…Adrienne is even getting down to skin and bones too – she looked like a normal person off the street that you and I would see every day of the week when she first came on the show, and now they’ve glammed her up (her hair cut is cute though). I like the characters with flaws, it makes them more believable – when Chloe was all dolled up – I never forgot that I was watching an actress in a show…
Participantalways wanted to be a stewardess…ah, excuse me Flight attendent, or what ever it is they are calling them these days that is PC. I remember those days and I like the nostalgia (sp?) of the show. Too bad, it is a good show.
M*A*S*H, Everybody Love Raymond, Star Trek and a lot of other mega hits over the years were very low in the ratings at first and look what hits they became – but the excutives and producers today won’t give the shows the chance as the almighty $$$$’s are involved. If a show isn’t an instant sucess like AI, then it’s six episodes and the trash heap.
Participant"because it’s what a DeMera (i.e. EJ) does…" plays havoc on the lives of other people. Crows feeding on flesh…(not all lawyers but most). I have been waiting for John to return…and (as much as I love the "badness" of the DeMera’s because they do it so well)…I want John to come back and open a can of WHOOP-A_ _ on them – payback for all the little DeMera things they’ve done to every one in Salem over the years…and my John is just the one to do it (along with Bo, Roman, Rafe, and even Jack’s help – and the ladies of Salem too)!
Participantmedical issues especially so soon after your last bout. Good grief woman you have had more than your share…please get those doctors to do everything in the medical books and then do what ever else isn’t in them to get you to feel better! I’ll be praying for you. It’s all I can do, but God does heal in ways the doctors could never imagine. Take care of yourself sweetie. BIG hugs and love sent you across the miles!
Participantin a hospital bed with shattered knees, ankles, elbow along with another six months after that in hospital bed at home learning to walk again after that…five miscarriges (two ectopic where they cut you at bikini line and your stomach muscles are never as taunt again in spite of a hundred situps) (please forgive spelling) –
My point, thank God we have the technology we do these days as just a few short years ago (50), many of us could not and would not have come through our medical trials and tribulations. We are all survivors, lived to see another day and that’s what counts! I would never laugh at you all, we’ve all been there to some degree – I admire you guysis fortitude, stamina (it takes a lot to pull through a sickness), grace and humor to laugh at all you’ve been through.
Thank you God for all of us being here!
Participantwere popular? Wagon Train, The Big Valley etc.? And war shows? Hogan’s Heros, and Combat? Then it was a bunch of family shows like Happy Days and L&S, All in the Family, Bewitched, etc., then came all the Cop shows like Hill Street Blues and all those spin-offs, now they are back to variety shows like they had in the early 50’s and 60’s – and even reality shows of today remind me of What’s my Line (dating my self here), Dating Game, etc. They were just all more tamer back then.
The American audience has a short attention span (it’s true!) – When’s the last time you sat down and waded through a tome like "War and Peace" for a lark unless some High School teacher was grading you on it? We like to be entertained and then move on to the next big thing. I watched one episode of the X Factor and said, "ho-hum…Boring". Same ol’, same ol’ – Simon is just rinsng and repeating "American Idol". Now please bring me back a good ol’ John Wayne western with good guys and bad guys and I’m there!