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Participantyou all are bored with show ~ LOL! I am waiting for the big return too…until then, I will just keep reading the channel guide synopsis of the show, and getting my info from you guysies.
Participantwithout taking off my shoes to count ’em all in just recent headlines in the past few years.
ParticipantHe was a baffoon most of the time he was on the show, and when he was working on the Salem paper, it was Jennifer who carried him. I am looking forward to Jack returning, but he’s not going to be "super-fly" just by doing a "walk-a-bout" (that was the story line off camera just a mere six months ago)…now he’s James Bond? I don’t think so…
Participantlife, how many current office holders have done some shady and immoral if not criminal acts and still hold or held office long after it came to light, I can think of about 20 in the past and current time frame. So EJ running for mayor isn’t all that far fetched.
Participantthat I could stand on the show…I don’t like what they’ve done to his character at all.
Participanttheir bios I’m glad. A friend of mine sent me the list and I asked who this Chaz Bono was? I think she was left on the door step of Sonny and Cher’s house by "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves" as there is no family resembalance to her famous parents.
Participantyears if not tragedy and woe: Kidnapping, adultery, murder, false imprisonment, rape, baby switching, lying, cheating, burying people alive, running people over with cars, drug abuse, constant arguing between spouses just to name a small sample. If we actually consider what we watch on the show, we cannot exactly say "Now THAT is entertainment".
ParticipantKate, and Jennifer when she had her heart ripped out of her chest had an amazing three day (it seemed) recovery…I’m just saying if they want reality in the show with a gay story line or bad guys and good guys then so be it, show reality. And since Sami is the fair haired child of the show, if the writers did this story correctly, instead of having a face transplant with no scaring or leg amputation with no limp or pain, let’s do it the way it is and not gloss over what it actually is – the toughest thing in ones life, if they just want to gloss over it, then don’t even do the story or idea of it.
Participantthe Keystone Kops @ Salem PD!
Participantdevastating disease, (yes, Maggie had her illness and Phillp had his face replaced and lost a leg – but the show never showed the aftermath and hard work it takes to recover), but I’d like the writers to treat a disease with reality, that Sami does have to go into chemo, loose her hair, wear a wig, throw up, and Rafe be there through it all with her – and him having a breakdown at the overwhelming situation but pulling through for her. And then have Sami come back in a years time, in remission or cured, and more mature than ever. It could be a great and inspirational story line if the writers did it right!
Participantjust to see if Simon has changed his ways, (highly doubt it), and if he can top American Idol. Think it may be a rinse and repeat of AI. Why does L. A. Reid look so much like Randy Jackson? Was Simon going for someone who looks like Randy for continuity? (Although, Reid is much meaner than even Simon is in his judging, but he has the talent that Randy has being a songwriter, record producer and with three Grammy wins. Especially if Simon brought back Paula, and it suppose to be his new and different show?
Participantbut Billie would be a nice character to give Kate someone to try and fuss with as long as Billie stands up to her.
Participant"A leopard can’t change their spots" is true…Sami will never change. She is still doing the same really stupid things that she was doing years ago. She may cry and wail "it’s not fair"…but she will continue to make the same errors and mistakes in her life…- "Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results." Albert Einstein. Sami just isn’t a smart, mature enough woman who learns from her past and past mistakes at all.
Participantahem…let’s just say "ears" and makes him pay for her humiliation with her sister.
Participantoff! Mel Griffith in order to keep Antonio from straying (for a while) mutilated herself. Same with Pamela Anderson (only she didn’t stop at her lips). Several other actresses have made themselves unrecognizable – you have to do a double take when seeing them on a show now and ask "Is THAT so-and-so???"