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Participantand he didn’t receive the divorce papers (but they are probably divorced in absensia (sp?), or it would make it more interesting to me if they were still married and Jennifer has second thoughts – even though I do NOT want another dang triangle! Bow out gracefully Dr. Dan…just be friends with Jen.
Participantfrom hell (which is why she is the child from hell because Marlena was missing all those years), Maggie was a mother until her children got booted off show, Lexie is a mother to the missing Theo, Hope is the mom of the missing Cierra, Sami the child of Marlena and missing mother from all of her children, at least Mrs. Hernadez is just in the next room.
Participanttoo…wonder if they felt the earthquake in Salem? That might explain the "waves" in Salem’s river! ;O
Participantthat they (family) needed money as hubby wasn’t working that much which is why I understand they did the reality show at the time…I’d love for Lisa (only Billie for me), to return to show.
Participantquestionable…they discuss out in the open the prognosis of patients in front of crowds of people, they give out medical information to anyone who asks, it’s not just doctor Lexie either, Dr. Dan, even Marlena, and several other Salem doctors and medical staff I’ve noticed over the years…Don’t even get me started on Nurse Melanie and her open mouth…so much for HIPPA…
Participanttoday….even our 5.8’s don’t make the news any where else…
ParticipantSalem is a better question…LOL!
Participantas a clown, (much as they did Vivian), I want Jack and Jennifer back together…If they insist on his being a baffoon, then no. I never did care for Dr. Dan no matter who he is with, be it Kate, Chole, Chelsa, or Jennifer…if they are going to pair him up put him with Chloe (yes, I know Chloe is leaving
Participant"Color me gone"…
Participantevery home in Europe never took off in the USA. They are steel reinforced and go on the outside of the windows (but you roll them down from the inside), mostly used for security as they lock. I know they have electric as well as manual, they also keep the heat anc cold out and they can keep out storm damage, (not sure about Cat 3 but I’m sure there is something out there). There are companies in the USA that do them, I know if they were more common place over here the price would drop – I lived in Europe for seven years in my 20’s and thought they were great!
just off Google for example:
As for the earthquake back east…we here on the west coast feel for you all but it’s a "snoozer ho-hum". We’re so use to the shake, rattle and roll, so it’s no big deal, the hurricane makes us west coasters a lot more nervous.
Participantdirector is at fault for showing this confusing "anomaly" on almost a daily basis.
Participantwith Ivan…they were meant to be together, but I have to agree with Louise, the way these people are fired is wrong…but then life isn’t fair – I hope Louise has a wonderful life, in-spite of how the writers treated her character over the years with disrespect and made Vivy lampoonish, Louise has always soldiered through – I’ve always liked her.
As for Chloe, they (the writers/show) could have done so much more with her character and the actress talent in singing, instead of making her a walking talking Barbie doll all those years. For about a week when she had her breakdown this past spring, you could see she had such a great potential as an actress, if it was her choice to dress the way she did in every scene as a "doll", then good bye and good riddance – however, if it was the show not letting her get to her full potential as an actress, then shame on them.
I’m going to miss Carley – I’ve always liked her, she (character) has gotten a lot of bad breaks over the years, I wonder how many of us living in hell like she supposedly did with Lawernce, wouldn’t take a knife to him? Making someone give up their child and keep them locked up even in a guilded cage, would drive most of us to Lorena Bobbit the guy first.
As for this "Taylor" all I see is Ava, the actress never grew on me, the prior Taylor was in the mud to begin with as she went after her sister’s new hubby (no matter how much of a sham and shame Nicole’s marriage was to EJ), she had two strikes against her then at the get-go, (I never noticed her "breathless-ness" as many of you did, I just didn’t care for the story line. (Please ‘scuze the spelling folks – I didn’t want a senior moment to happen and lose my last train of thought)…
ParticipantI don’t think the writers will be happy until they pass Melanie around with every male character in the show, much as they have Nicole. Guess they are "rounding out" her character.
ParticipantHowever, that being said, if Louise S. (aka Vivy) thinks the writers treated her character like trash, then Ali, had better watch out! I know she is the "golden fair haired child" but look what the show did to Dee and Drake. They were "golden geese" on the show as well and we all saw how well they were treated. Happened to other actors (characters) on the show as well. Ali is not immune nor is she teflon.
Most fans are tired of the same ol’ Sami after watching her the last 15 years, she is rinse and repeat in her actions. Ali is a great acress, but even she has got to be very tired of her character. You can see how predictable this character is after watching her for two months (or less), that is why so many fans are starting to turn on her.
Corday and the writers (old and new) will not let her grow up. They like that kind of character, ahhhh note to writers here – Shami is 36 to 38 years old on the show please stop making her a Peter Pan that will never grow up to a mature and thoughtful woman.
Participantcan’t wait!