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Participanthave in Salem…used to drive me crazy but now so many other things do in Salem – that this is a minor point for me, but YES, it’s like being on a bullet train going through tunnels with the night and day continuance continuity.
Participantbeen this way…LOL!
Participanthistory to write our show, they think that we don’t know (or have forgotten) Salem’s history. They have past show scripts. For the past 15 years at least they should be able to look the information on the show up electronically when they write script and characters to insure no bungling and off the wall tangents of the history.
Participantpreggers by Will (if they made love), if so, and they have Will actually not be hetrosexual, that would open up a pretty big story line for the future – Will will have to interact with Gabby, baby and whomever. I’m totally against this SL as you all know, but if the writers are smart they can make this a long term SL having Will and Gabby have a child. I also want to laugh at Sami being a grandma…the look on her face in a word "priceless".
Participantis magic to watch, they don’t have to do anything but stop and stare at each other.
Participanthas got to be the one of the best scene’s in the history of DOOL!!!! I think that should be the scene shown with the opening song…the heck with the hourglass…
Participanta crime being prosecuted if he is the criminal himself…it’s happening right now in real life with the "Fast and Furious" case.
Participantwould go through a background check, fingerprints, etc., is the Salem PD now even more inept that was previously presented over the years? College degrees up the ying-yang wouldn’t get her there being a former street walker.
Participantcan’t a straight guy be sensitive, kind, soft spoken, kind hearted, etc.? I know some of the roughest, toughest bikers that are like this – gruff and tough on the outside but marshmellows on the inside. I think this Will is just young, inexperienced and I will not second guess 92% of the male population based on supposedly 8% of the population. Besides, who in their right mature mind "takes a relationship very far" without knowing someone inside and out? That’s what a relationship is…knowing someone!
Participanta scene of her’s either (see note on Dario), and didn’t miss one bit – she drove me up the wall when all the teenyboppers were on the show…more than Taylor or even Jan did.
Participanteven saw what he looked like.
Participantoff at times and other times she looks like a complete train wreck (what is up with the different colored nails on a woman of almost 60? – I can see it on a teenybopper). However, I do agree, while I applauded the edgy blue streak for the first year, we are now going on year two of blue…time for a change or new hair dresser Katie!
Participantunsure of himself (coming from Sami as his mother – that is a stretch), but I’ve never seen anything (granted I’ve given up the show for the last four months), but think I’ve watched Will enough over the years as to never seen one indication that he is or was.
ParticipantI turned off DOOL after 20 years this last spring…something I thought I never would stop watching the show in a million-zillion years being the fan that I was. I thought I would need a 12-step program to ever stop watching. I was living in fear that DOOL would be canceled before I passed away in (hopefully) my old-old age…yet worried, that I would outlive the finale of the show and I’d never see the end of Days…
I’ve often wondered what could make us rabid fans sit through JER’s story lines (as we did) and a lot of the just plain weird stuff, (the twins from the space ship (oops almost spelled that last word wrong), or the Garden of Eden, etc…Yet, one day we (many of us) finally reach the proverbial "last straw" and stop watching and DVRing.
I’m excited about this fall and all the changes and my J&M returning, I’m just shocked still to this day that I just couldn’t stand the BS anymore. I think EJ (disclaimer – he was a biggie favorite of mine), and Taylor was the end for me…that and what they propose or proposed with Will’s SL. I really miss Maggie and Victor, yet I still can’t let myself be drawn back in when I read what’s going on and the discord that the show is sometimes causing other "rabid" die-hard fans…so for now, I’ll just "listen" to the show vicarously through you all.