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through Vic and Mag’s scene yesterday…looks great on her.
53tdogsParticipantSorry…so sorry….couldn’t help it.
53tdogsParticipantplease let me think that in my "doddering" years! And 1968 was a very good year!!!
53tdogsParticipantto do was just stand there and look at each other! ‘Those were the "Days" my friend’…and ‘we thought they’d never end…’
53tdogsParticipantAA – it’s just not EJ, Brady and Nicole, – Kate and Stefano, R2 did a lot of tipping, as well. Victor imbibes quiet a bit as well. Mel’s not a teetoataler (sp) either.
53tdogsParticipanttriangle, I could get behind Sami and Lucas paring. They belong together – I mean he was there all the way back with her, through Austin, Franco, Kate, etc., he knows her and knows why Sami is like she is.
53tdogsParticipantbesides the lady next to me that kept telling me about the show…that was a great scene!
53tdogsParticipantI admire Alison, for all the things she does, and has accomplished. I’m just saying that if we all had that kind of help that Alison does, we could all accomplish and do what she does, (the amount and varitey of different things), and still have a family life, (as Alison has a family).
It’s great that Alison can do all these things, however, a normal every day person i.e., "Mom" cannot, because of the sheer work load that she already does without help. You’ve been Mom’s, you all know it’s a 24/7 job for 18+ years. So therefore I am not so overly impressed with Alison and all her extra curricular activities, as she does all of it with "help". Mom’s with little kids, laundry, dr.’s appointments, PTA meetings, baking cookies for school, getting to work on time, barely have anytime for a pedicure for themselves let alone to start new ventures…usually, the only ventures they want are to slip into some cool sheets at mid-night and start the say over again when the alarm goes off at six o’clock!
I’m more impressed with normal, every day women who do it all (without having all the extra help that a "star" does) – work, (outside the home) AND keeps a home running, while raising children and all that entails, taking care of hubby’s needs, etc. A draft horse if you will, not a pampered race horse. We, in our society, sometimes, tend to forget the real heros (Mom’s in particular) in real life for what’s actors do on the "boob" tube.
53tdogsParticipant(character, not actress) because Corday and writers will not let her grow up with four kids and as many marriages – the "woman" has got to be almost 37 on the show now, she’s not been the fifteen year old kid who saw Mommy and Step-dad on the conf. room table, over (way over) 15 years ago.
While I think that Alison and all of her endeavors are note worthy, I wish her all the sucess in the world. For someone to go after what they want in life and keep that it a well rounded balanced life (family, love, home, work), is amazing in this day and age. That being said, she has help, secretaries, chauffer, maid, nanny, cooks, etc., I don’t think without it the every day life as she is leading would not possible. My point being, I admire and find the work of every day women and mothers who do the family-love-home-work, without all the help so very much more. The pampered racehorse works 8 minutes out of the week, the poor draft horse toils in the fields 6 days a week sun up to sun down…give me the strength and fortitude of a draft horse anyday.
53tdogsParticipantput him at odds with Sami again or heaven forbid! in a triangle with Sami/Rafe (as the show is wont-to-do sometimes). I hope Lucas doesn’t become another "Roman" doomed to live without true love, but I also wish that he’d find "true soap love", I don’t see anyone currently in Salem now for him though, so that’s why I’m afraid the writers may have Sami drift in his direction for old times sake. Or maybe Carrie and Lucas?
53tdogsParticipantpeople actually WORK in Salem…Hahahhahaaha! We’d have all been fired long ago. Mel’s usually dressed in her scrubs but she’s usually chittychatting and walking up and down the hallways…not a lot of work going on. All the nurses I’ve ever been around (after several weeks in the hospital) are working their tails off on a 12 hour shift!
53tdogsParticipantone episode total, apparently she hasn’t changed, not one iota, since she was on the show years ago. When I read that they were bringing Kinsey back – I literally cringed…You nailed her exactly Cornbread! Nails on a blackboard – scrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech! Ick!
53tdogsParticipantplace else…it only takes three minutes from Salem airport to Paris or Cleveland LOL!
53tdogsParticipantmuch…I hope they keep "T" I thought that kid could act.
53tdogsParticipantPrincess Gina and John were hooked up – battle of the raised eyebrows!