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Bonbon…toooooo funny and true! John is SoaS (the verbiage someone else was commenting on the other day to describe a hot guy).
53tdogsParticipantinvolved in all the crimes that R2 has been involved with. Also, as advance and urban as Salem is, the SP cop shop must have it’s own digital finger print machine/computer (not too many PD’s use the ink and paper kind anymore unless you are living in Mayberry)…surely! However, if Stefano can replicate someones face, voice, mannerisms and documents, it should be a piece of cake for him to have replicated Rafe’s fingerprints onto R2’s, I mean if we are to believe that any thing in this story is feasible at all…and not suspend belief entirely, then surely…
53tdogsParticipantposts as "new" just everyone elses post(s).
53tdogsParticipantI may (key word being "may" ) watch HK this Monday, as you’ve recommended it to me before…
53tdogsParticipantthey have been going through in the last six months turns out happy for them…poor Jennifer, I can relate in her situation, but with her medical problems, it’s going to be doubly difficult. They just seem so nice – and truly made for each other, not because of the physical but because of the spiritual side of their personalities.
Pawn Stars is a hoot isn’t it? It would be fun to go in and check out all their stuff!
FYI, does anyone know (I’ve never checked this out) but can one go down to Wallymart or Target or Sears and purchase a DVR out right instead of renting one from the cable or dish service or do they hold exclusive rights on DVR’s? And if you can go to a box store or Amazon, will it work with cable or dish service? Just figure that will save me $10 bucks a month or so after initial payment of DVR equipment, especially since my cable bill just went up $10 bucks a month.
53tdogsParticipantthere will only be EJ as the bad guy to play havoc in the Salemites lives and let’s face it, we’re going to have to have some kind of bad guy in the show to muck up Salem…and who better than the fabulous EJ, a chip off the baddest of the bad? I would like Chad to look like he’s going to the bad side, only to get control of the DeMera empire (with Stefano’s blessing) and fool EJ…and then EJ fighting to regain his footing. With Bo, Hope, John and Marlena as well as Jack being back, they could all keep Mr. EJ busy on the run for years!
53tdogsParticipantshow’s name to "It’s a New Day" (borrowing from you Jason), because with bringing all our favorites back and new sets…the old Days is history…I hope- I hope!
53tdogsParticipantand we have all gotten older since he’s been gone. Dee does look great. I’m hoping it just the shirt or a bad picture (not that he couldn’t look good in anything and everything) – Drake. For ex-baseball player and didn’t I hear he owned a gym? I’m just so happy to have them all back – they could come back with walkers and wheel chairs and I’d be estatic!
53tdogsParticipanthardly wait! WhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooHoooooooo! Biggie Smile
53tdogsParticipanthe may be laid out behind the bar dead drunk…
53tdogsParticipantSunday nights is a good night, 11 shows to tape! I’ve even started taping "DOOL" again this week. I watch a ton of History and History International channels, TLC, Discovery channel, HGTV, FNC, Cooking channel, always like to learn stuff. And they present it in such an interesting concept. Heck, I even watch CSPAN when there’s something going on, although, you cannot DVR CSPAN, those congress people are too bloviating and jabberwocky. LOL!
TNT, FX, USA, etc., is great for dramas, as well as Hallmark channel for nice, family movies. BIO, National Geo., and Animal Planet of course! HBO – I watch rarely as I don’t care for most of it, but it’s free for another six months and once in a while they have a "new" movie on worth watching if I can find two hours to sit and watch. TMC and AMC is great for my old Cary Grant and Hitchcock movies. TBN, HALO, EWTN for my church programs. FoxNews and Fox Business for news I haven’t watched the local news in years. NBC, CBS, and ABC, once in a while for one or two of their shows…
Oh my gosh, after reading all that I watch, I think I need a second DVR!!! And really, truly I do limit T.V. watching to only about two hours spread out through out the day…which is why my DVR is always full…
53tdogsParticipantSunday, in the general area and then releasing her there for her own protection. She’ll lay low for awhile, but I think and hope she will be like OJ and get her justice in due course, but some dweeb out there will marrying her for the publicity and she just may have more children…I can’t believe this twit (per an attorney spokesperson) doesn’t really believe that we all would just have her as soon fall off the planet as look at her, (no matter what she does to change her looks). The best place she could go live is a leper colony…on Mars.
53tdogsParticipantdetested Taylor from the first her knowing EJ belonged to Nicole (after she found out). The second reason, I never liked her is when they switched actresses and all I saw was "Evil Ava" and I couldn’t even give TB a chance to be Taylor at all (even if she was a good actress).
Plus – I didn’t like her smirkidie-smirk-smirks in every scene – when she was smiling she smirked, when she was sad she smirked…I wanted to tell her what my father said to us kids…"Get that smirk off your face or I will take it off for you" (only a threat, never a do…but the threat was enough to make you change your demeanor real fast).
53tdogsParticipantusing it 20 years ago regarding the great poster we had stuck on our Ladies room wall of Tom Selleck (this was before the PC police)…started when the drink "Sex on the Beach" became popular. Isn’t it funny how "old" things and phrases become the in thing again? I hear they are even bringing back platform shoes!
53tdogsParticipantthe game the way he wants them to – but look how many of his children he’s thrown under the bus over the years, Lexie, Tony, etc., and now EJ…because Stefie has Chaddwick to manipulate into his web now…I hope Chad gives Stefano a what-for and how come and doesn’t fall into Stef’s clutches. As much as I love Stefano, I’d hate to see him do this to Chad, I would much rather Stefano take on an adversary – like JB when he comes back – John paying back Stefano for all the trouble he’s caused in Salem over the years would be just wonderful. And the cat and mouse game played would be so fun to watch!